How to care for cyclamens at home - the basic rules of growing

The decoration of the room will be a cyclamen, which can bloom on the windowsill for a long time. He can enjoy a beautiful flowering even in winter. It is important to know how to care for cyclamens at home, as the plant is demanding.

Cyclamen planting at home

In the shops you can buy seeds and plant them in February or March. Planting and cultivation of cyclamens at home is carried out according to the rules:

  1. Pre-soak the seeds for 12 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which is a disinfection.
  2. Prepare the tanks and fill them with an earth mixture, which consists of two parts of steamed earth, a part of the soil mixture, for example, "Terra Vita", and the half of pure river sand.
  3. After this, make a depression of 1 cm. Pour well with water and arrange the seeds so that there is a distance of 2-3 cm between them. Cover the plantation with a small amount of soil.
  4. It is recommended to cover the pot with film or glass. The temperature should be at 18-20 ° C. The seeds will germinate after 30-60 days. Note that there are also high grades, so it may take up to five months or more.
  5. It is equally important to know how to take care of cyclamens at home, when sprouts will appear. After that, you need to remove the shelter and put the container on a lit place, but avoid direct sunlight. After the formation of two full-leaf leaves, a 2-3-sowing pick -up is carried out in the pot.
  6. In large capacity cyclamen at home requires a transplant in six months. The vase should be 6-7 cm in diameter. Note that corms should be deepened no more than 2/3 of its size.

Cyclamen - care after purchase

In most cases, shrubs are sold in blossoming form. After the purchase, it is recommended that you carefully inspect the flower, and if it is crowded, then make a transfer. After cyclamen, care after purchase at home includes such rules:

  1. Choose a suitable place for the flower - a well-lit window sill, but direct rays should not fall on it, otherwise it can lead to a burn. If the pot is to stand in the shade, then you can not see the flowering, even if you look after it according to the rules.
  2. Watch the temperature, so the room should not be too hot, so in winter, move the pot away from the heaters. Suitable temperature regime is 13-17 ° С.
  3. Regularly conduct irrigation, the rules of which will be discussed below. The humidity of the room is also important, since dry air is harmful. It is better to place a reservoir of water near the pot.
  4. The rules on how to properly care for cyclamens at home, it is indicated that it is important to remove wilted buds and do it, as if twisting the pedicel from the tuber.

Cyclamen - care after flowering

On whether the proper care is given during the rest period, flowering will depend. At this time the cyclamen can continue to form new ovaries, while the old ones will turn yellow and die, so be sure to give them. After flowering cyclamen, care must necessarily include moderate watering, but fertilizers at this time are not used. It is best to put the pot in a cool shade. The rest period lasts for 2-3 months in most cases.

How to properly water a cyclamen at home?

The presented flowering plant is hygrophilous, therefore, irrigation is carried out regularly and abundantly. In the recommendations how to water cyclamen in the home, it is indicated that it is important to ensure that excess moisture does not stagnate in the pot or in the pan, otherwise the roots may rot. Use a liquid at room temperature, and it must necessarily be stationary.

For a complete understanding of how to care for cyclamens at home, you need to specify that the flower likes spraying. Using a spray gun, moisten the bush from all sides, but make sure that water does not fall on the leaves. Regularly conduct the procedure, and in summer repeat it 2-3 times a day. During flowering, spraying is contraindicated, as this can damage tender buds.

How to feed cyclamen at home?

Unlike many flower crops, this flower does not very welcome all kinds of fertilizers. Cyclamen and without them will be beautifully developed and blossomed. During the winter flowering, caring for it, apply fertilizers, and you need to do this once a month. Top-dressing cyclamen at home is carried out only by specialized fertilizers, but complex universal supplements are also suitable.

Cyclamen transplantation at home

Adult plants need a transplant and follow the procedure in four years. There are several tips on how to transplant a cyclamen at home:

  1. For this flower, a method of transshipment is used, that is, the tuber is moved along with the earth's clod. The main thing is to see if there are damaged or rotten areas.
  2. Use a larger pot, but note that in large cyclamen containers there will not be a blossom.
  3. Note that after completion of the procedure, the tuber should look out a little from the ground.

How to propagate cyclamen at home?

A large number of breeding methods are known, and when choosing the appropriate variant one should take into account the species. For European specimens, you can divide tubers, rosettes or daughter tubers. For all types, seed propagation is suitable. In the instruction concerning how cyclamen reproduces at home, there is a description of a number of useful tips:

  1. All manipulations are carried out at rest, that is, after flowering.
  2. Check that the tubers are healthy and free of damage, otherwise remove them.
  3. Caring for the cyclamen, please note that the optimum temperature for reproduction is considered to be 18-20 ° C.
  4. When new leaves appear, it is necessary to make mineral fertilizers.

How to arrange a cyclamen at home?

If the plant has grown much, then it is better to divide the tubers. In order for the procedure to be successful, follow the instructions on how to separate the cyclamen at home:

  1. Start the procedure at rest, after flowering. Extract the tuber from the ground and dry it.
  2. Take a clean and disinfected knife, and cut it so that the end result is the parts on which the bud and roots will be.
  3. To ensure that the new tubers do not rot, treat the cut sites with activated carbon powder and dry them in the shade for 24 hours.
  4. After that, land in separate pots with moistened soil. Do not deepen the rhizome completely, leaving the part on the surface.

How does cyclamen reproduce at home with a leaf?

The presented method seldom gives a result, since the planting material in most cases does not take root. For Persian cyclamens, this method is not at all suitable. There are a number of rules on how to grow cyclamens at home:

  1. Cut a healthy leaf and put it in water or put it in a damp soil, so that it gives the roots.
  2. In most cases the planting material decays or turns yellow. To increase the chance of rooting, cut the leaves with a small piece of the bulb.
  3. After the roots appear, plant the cyclamen in a pot with loose soil and cover with a jar to create greenhouse conditions. Look after it, as well as behind adult bushes. If the plant takes root, then in 2-3 weeks a new shoot should appear.

Propagation of the cyclamen with seeds at home

It has already been described how to plant the plant properly with seeds, but for reproduction it is necessary to find out how to properly harvest the planting material. To make seeds at home, artificial pollination is carried out.

  1. Take a soft brush and collect the pollen from one flower and transfer it to the other. Do a few repetitions.
  2. After cyclamen has blossomed, a seed box will be formed.
  3. Use a napkin to carefully assemble them. Wait until they open themselves to get the seeds. To grow cyclamen at home, reproduction should be carried out with fresh seeds according to the scheme described above.

Cyclamen in the home - disease

If it is wrong to take care of the plant, there is a risk of developing diseases and pest damage. It is important to know how to grow cyclamens at home and fight diseases.

  1. Fusarium. The disease provokes a fungus that affects the tissues. The causative agent is in the soil and penetrates through the roots. Symptoms of the disease include yellowed tops and unpronounced blooms. To fight fusariosis, you need to know how to take care of cyclamens at home, and necessarily water it at home with "Fundazol" 0.1%.
  2. Wet rot. With this disease, the bush begins to wilt, and the affected tuber exudes an unpleasant odor. Cope with wet rot can not.
  3. Anthracnose. There is a problem during flowering and it progresses with high humidity and warmth. The peduncles become dry, and the leaves are twisted into a tube. When the first symptoms appear, lower the humidity level. Infected areas remove and treat the cyclamen several times with a fungicide.
  4. A black fungus. When aphids appear on the surface of the leaves, there are excretions that provoke the appearance of the fungus. As a result, the plant receives less light and its growth worsens. Finding out how to care for the cyclamen at home, it is worth pointing about the need to wipe the leaves with a wet cloth and process them with a copper-soap solution.

Why does not cyclamen blossom at home?

There are a number of reasons why the plant can "fall asleep" after the first flowers and it is important to take them into consideration in order to enjoy the cyclamen's beauty in the future.

  1. The bush was planted too deep, that is, the whole root, and part of the stalk was covered with earth.
  2. Elevated temperature of the room where the pot is located.
  3. It is important to know after the planting of the flower cyclamen, how to care at home for him to observe abundant flowering, so that excessive watering can not only cause the absence of buds, but lead to decay of the roots.
  4. In the presence of certain diseases and pests, the flowers also do not appear.

The leaves turn yellow at the cyclamen

There are a number of reasons that can cause yellowing of the plant:

  1. A similar phenomenon is considered the norm when a Persian cyclamen prepares for rest. This happens in most cases at the end of summer, and before winter it is recommended to perform a transplant, resuming watering and feeding.
  2. If the leaves are cyclamen, then the care is not carried out correctly, for example, the same is observed if frequent watering is carried out, the pot is exposed to direct sunlight or too high air temperature.
  3. With certain diseases, which were mentioned above, yellowing of foliage is observed.