Female childbearing age

The period in the life of every woman, during which she is able to conceive, safely endure and give birth to a child, has received the name of reproductive or childbearing age.

When is it better to have a baby?

The optimal age for women living in Russia and European countries is between 20 and 35 years. The most favorable for birth is the age of 25-27 years. It is in this gap that the girl's organism is most ready for a future pregnancy. But, at the same time, one can not ignore the natural, individual ability of a single female organism to conceive a child, to bear it, and to give birth. This age is also characterized by the full social and psychological maturity of the girl.

Pregnancy at an early age

As mentioned above, the best childbearing age for a woman is 25-27 years. However, it is not uncommon for pregnancy to occur before the age of 20. As a rule, in such situations the probability of occurrence of various complications is much higher, which confirms the frequent development of toxicosis and the occurrence of miscarriages in young girls. If, nevertheless, the pregnancy ends safely, then the born babies initially have a small body weight, the set of which also runs quite slowly.

However, there are cases when 16-17 year old girls gave birth to quite healthy babies. But in such cases, young mothers had psychological problems because they were not ready for motherhood and lacked the necessary knowledge that is necessary for the proper upbringing of the child.

Late Pregnancy

Recently, there have been more frequent cases when women whose childbearing age is at an end (after 40) give birth to the first child. This is explained by the fact that many consider it their first duty to make a career and reach certain peaks, and then just arrange a family life.

But, as a rule, conceiving a baby after 35 years is quite difficult, not to mention the bearing and childbirth. This is mainly due to a change in the hormonal background, which leads to the fact that there is a decrease in the ability of a woman to conceive naturally. Often at this age, women have problems with the regularity of menstruation and the process of ovulation.

As you know, every girl even at birth has a huge number of primary sex cells, the number of which during the reproductive years is constantly decreasing. During these years, the woman constantly faces various negative factors that negatively affect the state of the body as a whole, and especially the sexual system. That is why at the age of 35-40 years the probability that the child at birth will have any deviations and anomalies, increases several times.

Pregnancy in middle age

Today, pregnancy in the 30-35 years is not uncommon. In this period, as a rule, healthy children are born. However, pregnancy at this age has a huge burden on the female body. But, despite this, because of the hormonal adjustment in the body, a woman begins to feel much younger, her vitality rises.

Diseases of reproductive age

Often, during the childbearing age, women face various diseases, examples of which may include violations of the menstrual cycle (NMC) and dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DMC). The latter are most often caused by diseases of female genital organs of an inflammatory nature.

Thus, any woman, knowing what childbearing age is optimal for the birth of a child, will be able to properly plan pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.