Infertility of 2nd degree

We all know the situation when our desires do not coincide with our capabilities. With this it is easy to reconcile, if it is a question of material goods. But when it comes to procreation, problems with conception cause deep psychological trauma, and the diagnosis of "infertility" sounds like a sentence. Most often, both men and women suffer infertility of the 2nd degree. What is behind these words? What is infertility? Is infertility 2 degrees of treatment?

Classification of infertility

Doctors divide infertility into primary and secondary, absolute and relative. Infertility 1 degree (primary) means that a man or woman has never been able to conceive a child, living a regular sex life with different partners. About infertility of 2 degrees (secondary) is said, when in a woman's life at least once there was pregnancy (it does not matter if she ended with childbirth or not), and the man could at least once conceive a child. At the same time, they have problems with conception. Contrary to the widespread opinion of the concept of "infertility 3 (4 and others) degree" in medicine does not exist.

The diagnosis of "absolute infertility" is made if the patient has congenital or acquired pathologies incompatible with conception, for example, the absence of genital organs. With relative infertility, the causes of problems with conception lie in the diseases of the reproductive system, or in infertility of the partner.

What leads to infertility?

The most common cause of infertility 2 degrees, both in women and men, are hormonal disorders. At the same time, the process of maturation of the sex cells is disrupted, unfavorable for conception and pregnancy, changes occur in the reproductive organs. Infertility and thyroid are also interrelated, or rather, disturbances in her work: both hyper- and hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland leads to hormonal failure.

In women, secondary infertility often occurs after abortion and associated curettage. Artificial termination of pregnancy in most cases leads to the development of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and its appendages, including endometriosis and, ultimately, infertility.

Other causes of female infertility of the 2nd degree may be:

Infertility 2 degrees in men occurs for the following reasons:

Secondary infertility - how to treat?

Before starting the treatment of secondary infertility, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease. To do this, both spouses take tests and undergo examinations. Having received information about the condition of the hormonal background and the reproductive system of patients, the doctor prescribes individual treatment. Both spouses are recommended to normalize food, work and rest, avoid psychological stress, abandon bad habits. With hormonal infertility the doctor will write out special preparations for normalizing the hormonal background.

With poor results of spermogram, allergies to sperm in women, obstruction of the fallopian tubes resort to insemination (the introduction of semen directly into the uterus), IVF, ICSI. And with severe hereditary diseases and exhaustion of the ovarian reserve, doctors suggest using donor programs.