Precursors of labor in primiparous

The first pregnancy and the first birth always cause a lot of questions from future mothers. But, in spite of the exhaustive information that can be found in the specialized literature and the Internet, the appearance of the first signs of the onset of labor in the primiparous often provokes fear or confusion. And in order to remain calm and not to panic for no reason, it is worthwhile to distinguish the precursors of labor in the first-born from the first signs of the beginning of labor. Of course, at the first birth, any changes are perceived more emotionally, but we must not forget that the mother's condition is transmitted to the baby, and in fact for him, too, comes a difficult period, requiring a lot of effort. To maintain peace of mind it is useful to communicate with newly-born women, for example, in forums for pregnant women. Also, the forum can learn more about the precursors of childbirth in the primiparous from the personal experience of many women. Of course, one should remember that in all the pregnancy proceeds individually, and therefore, it is not necessary to rely entirely on advice and recommendations, first of all it is necessary to listen to your own organism. Some signs of birth in those who give birth to the first time, and may be absent, some may be more pronounced or vice versa, almost not palpable. Nevertheless, there are common features that are characteristic for the onset of labor, for which a woman can orient herself and prepare in a timely manner.

Signs of birth in primiparas

A few weeks before the birth in the body begin to occur changes that affect the emotional and physical state of women. These changes are called precursors of birth in primiparas. There are the following signs, which can be used to determine the approximation of the long-awaited moment:

The first symptoms of childbirth are the passage of amniotic fluid and the beginning of regular fights. Contractions begin, as a rule, with an interval of 15-20 minutes, which is gradually reduced to 3-4 minutes. Pain during labor is similar to menstrual pain, but can be more pronounced. At this moment it is important to listen to your body and act in accordance with your feelings. Lying or sitting in these moments can be more painful than walking or standing. It is important to monitor the correct breathing, for this it is worthwhile to prepare in advance, for example, at special courses for pregnant women.

Departure of amniotic fluid in primiparas is more characteristic after the onset of labor. In some cases, the amniotic fluid can burst before the onset of labor, then the woman must give birth within 24 hours to protect the child from infection. Also, sometimes a partial burst of the bubble is observed, with the water flowing gradually. The amniotic fluid should be clear and odorless, and any changes should be reported immediately to your doctor.

When there is doubt or alarm, in no case should one confine oneself, suppress your feelings. At the appearance of harbingers of birth in primiparas, the forum can ask exciting questions and share their experiences. The experience and personal stories of women giving birth will help overcome the fear of childbirth and restore the calm that is needed at such a crucial moment. At medical forums, you can consult specialists about the harbingers of labor in primiparas, learn in detail what to do when they appear, how to properly prepare for childbirth. Understanding of the ongoing processes will save the future mother from stress and unnecessary feelings, which, undoubtedly, will benefit both her and the baby.