Extract from the hospital in winter

Winter is not at all an excuse to get upset when you have a small snuffling ball in your hand, such a long-awaited and so yours ... And it does not matter that your first with a crumb "going out" falls on a very cool time of the year - we'll dress warmly, and there are no problems.

In the winter discharge from the hospital there is its main advantage - the immunity of babies born in the winter is much stronger than in summer newborns. And imagine: around white-white, snowflakes whirl in dance, frost, and the soul is warm and joyful from the perfect feat. And if they also try to make a holiday, the receipt of unforgettable impressions on the day of discharge from the maternity home is guaranteed.

Preparation for an extract from the hospital is the key to success

And that on this important day everything went quietly, you need to prepare it in advance and carefully. Fortunately, the era of prejudice that it is not worthwhile to prepare a dowry for a baby before it was born is long over. Although, this is your business. But remember that if you constantly think that something bad can happen, the law of materialization of thoughts will work. So, we think about the good, we attract the positive.

To do it best, choosing with love the cute and funny clothes for your future crumbs, including things on the extract from the hospital. As a rule, a baby kit with a long sleeve, sliders, a warm suit, a thin and warm hat, and as a so-called "outer clothing" - a warm overall-transformer, envelope, blanket or blanket from various materials (centipon, fur, natural sheepskin, bike, etc.).

Buying a dowry for your newborn, you need to keep in mind the following:

Bought clothes for discharge from the hospital must be washed with a hypoallergenic powder for children, it is well weeded, pressed and folded together with several diapers into a separate package so that relatives can take it and bring it to your maternity home.

We prepared the baby for the discharge from the hospital in the winter. And what about the mother? After all, she is a heroine in this situation and should also be on top. Variants with evening or cocktail dresses with an open decollete zone in the frosty winter for the newly mummy are clearly not suitable, but unfortunately, the figure after birth is far from ideal. Here, indispensable helpers can be a knitted dress of a free cut or a smart tunic with tights. Also in advance you need to take care of comfortable and warm shoes. A beautiful and neatly laid hair, for example, in the style of the "Greek hairstyle", with an unobtrusive "makeup" will make you a real Madonna with a baby in her arms.

Well, provided that you and the baby are all right, and the medical staff of the maternity home will be provided with all the necessary documents for the registration of the child, you can safely announce to your relatives about your winter discharge. Let now they take care of everything else: balls, limousines, shooting, champagne with caviar, rose petals and a touching crib for the main new member of the family ... You, in full combat readiness, sparkling with happiness, of course, pre-feeding the baby and changing him a diaper, for the first time "go out into the light" ...

Unforgettable impressions!