How much are the discharges after cesarean?

After the operation of cesarean section, just as after natural birth, a recovery period occurs for a woman. This time is associated, first of all, with contraction of the uterus and lochia or bloody discharge after childbirth . Of course, newly mums are concerned with the question "How much blood goes after cesarean?". It is necessary to know, as in the case of deviation from the norm, you need to seek help from a doctor.

How long is the discharge after cesarean?

Despite the fact that after an operative delivery the body of a woman recovers a little longer, the plague after cesarean section is exactly the same as the discharge after usual births. However, doctors recommend paying attention to the nature of the secretions, their color and odor, since after a lumbar operation there is always a high risk of developing inflammation or infection.

How much are the discharge after cesarean section ? As a rule, a little longer than after usual births - 5-8 weeks. During the operation, the integrity of the uterus is broken, its muscle fibers are damaged, and, hence, the contractility also deteriorates. The blood loss for the entire recovery period is also somewhat greater than after the physiological birth - about 1000 ml.

In the first few days after cesarean delivery, the discharge is abundant, bloody, with a pungent smell, possibly the presence of clots. In the second week, the color of the losers should change from bright red to reddish-brown. Gradually they become lighter and smaller in volume. A month after cesarean discharge is of a sacred nature, and in the last weeks this yellowish mucous secretion is practically odorless.

We address to the doctor

The doctor should be consulted if the nature of the discharge after cesarean, their color and odor do not fit into the norm: