22 weeks gestation - fetal size

The wiggling of the fetus at 22 weeks is already so active that it is possible not only to clearly sense it, but even to guess what the child was pushing and what position it now occupies. However, the risk of abortion still remains, so it is important to know how the baby is growing and what is needed for its full-fledged gestation.

Fetal development at 22 weeks gestation

The growth of the child's brain slows down a little and the development of tactile sensations begins. The kid likes to touch himself and everything that surrounds him, he likes to suck his finger and handle handles. The weight of the fetus at 22 weeks is 420-450 grams and if there is a delivery before the term, there are real chances for survival. The child is very active, he can change his position several times a day.

The size of the fetus at 22 weeks gestation ranges from 27-28 cm and continues to increase steadily. The baby is very much asleep, and his activity, as a rule, falls on the night hours. That's why Mommy can have trouble sleeping and needs more rest during the day.

The fetus in the 22nd week of pregnancy already has the ability to distinguish loud and sharp sounds, and the eyes are so developed that the child can turn to a light source, for example, during an ultrasound. He is also able to express his emotions about the psychological state of a woman.

Anatomy of the fetus at the 22nd week of gestation implies the laying of future teeth, almost completely formed lips and pancreas at the developmental stage. The heartbeat of the fetus at 22 weeks is clearly audible, which can be detected with the help of ultrasound. There is a fully formed spine, and the baby's body is covered with the first-born fluff. The increasing size of the fetus in 22 weeks leads to an increase in the load on the lower back and spine. A woman is recommended to wear special underwear and spend more time relaxing.

Fetal ultrasound at week 22

It is at this time during the study that the state and quantity amniotic fluid, the presence or absence of developmental defects is established, the maturity of the placenta and umbilical cord is determined. Also, doctors are interested in fetometry of the fetus in 22 weeks, which will give the necessary information about the correct development of the baby in the mother's womb.

Do not be afraid if the child is in an uncomfortable position for delivery. Very often the transverse presentation of the fetus at the 22nd week is changed due to its activity. Probably, it is necessary to work out gymnastics for the pregnant woman. It is she who often helps to change the pelvic presentation of the fetus on the 22nd week.