How to restore the breast after childbirth?

Undoubtedly, the main purpose of the female breast is to feed the baby, but the ideal figure does not exist without a beautiful breast. Having decided to give birth to a child, a woman often worries that the shape of her breasts will change and make her less attractive. We will try to explain in detail: why after birth, sagging chest and how to keep the breast after childbirth?

How and why does the breast change after delivery?

During pregnancy under the influence of hormones in the body of a woman there are changes that prepare him for childbirth and feeding the baby. Significant changes undergo the breast, which already from the first weeks of pregnancy swells and becomes more sensitive. By the end of the third month of pregnancy, the nipples can increase, get dark pigmentation, and the breast grow 1 or more in size, a yellowish sticky liquid ( colostrum ) is periodically secreted from the nipple. After pregnancy and birth, stretch marks appear on the chest, which is associated with a rapid increase in the breast, when the skin does not have time to stretch.

The extent to which the shape of the breast changes will depend on the initial shape of the breast. So, small and elastic breasts vary slightly, and big and soft, most likely, will lose much form. If a woman pre-pregnancy was engaged in sports, then her figure will quickly return to previous volumes than others. Wearing a bra during pregnancy and breastfeeding helps maintain the old form of the breast.

How to restore the breast after childbirth?

Modern medicine offers a variety of ways to restore the breast after delivery, among which there are conservative (traditional and non-traditional) and operational. How to tighten the breast after childbirth, you can read numerous tips in women's magazines, but it is more effective to contact the office of a doctor - cosmetologist.

The Internet is full of advertising about the miraculous power of all sorts of creams to care for the breast after giving birth. These creams include oils (olive, linseed), extracts of herbs (horse chestnut, chamomile, tea tree), which make the skin more elastic and elastic and removes excess fluid from the body. Apply it advised twice a day, applying the cream on the skin of the chest with light massaging movements.

In order to return the former form, special exercises for the breast after childbirth are developed. Here are some of them:

Massage of the breast after delivery

Breast massage in combination with the above exercises gives a good cosmetic effect. This is not difficult at all, and a woman can do it herself at home, in the morning and in the evening after a shower. Hands must be lubricated with baby oil and stroked the breast in a circular motion, without touching the nipple. Then it is necessary to carry out kneading movement with the pads of the fingers, and the actions should not cause painful sensations. You can perform tapping and patting movements, provided that they will be painless.

There are a number of folk methods, how to restore the breast after birth, they include: a compress of rice flour, potato starch, kefir, walnuts and rose petals. A contrast shower will only enhance the effectiveness of exercises and massage, the main thing is not to overdo it with cold water, so as not to earn mastitis.

So, after considering possible ways how to restore the breast after birth, we conclude: only a complex application of exercises and massage will help a woman to regain her former forms, and the cream after the birth for the breast will only strengthen the effect. With the regular implementation of the above measures, the effect will be noticeable within a month.