Diastasis after childbirth - what is it and how to fix the defect?

Often young mothers receive a "diastase" when they visit a doctor. Under this disease is understood the divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. Consider the violation in detail, find out why diastasis develops after childbirth, what kind of illness it is and how dangerous it is.

Diastasis - Causes

When the diastase of the rectus abdominis develops, the right and left halves of the abdomen diverge relative to the midline in different directions from the white line. When gestation occurs, this is due to the rapid growth of the fetus, which exerts pressure on the anterior abdominal wall. There is a stretching of the connective tissue, from which the white line of the abdomen consists. After the appearance of the baby, a small depression forms in this place, which can be determined visually.

The second factor leading to the development of diastasis in the postpartum period is the secretion of the hormone relaxin in later periods, which increases the elasticity and softness of the muscular structures. Thus the body makes the ligaments and joints more mobile, helping the woman to give birth easier. However, abdominal muscles can also be involved in the process, which is why pathology develops.

Diastasis - the degree

Having found out, because of what the diastasis after sorts develops, what is this a pathology, it is necessary to tell and about forms of disease. Depending on how pronounced the divergence of the abdominal muscles after delivery, doctors allocate 3 degrees of the disease. In this case, the distance between the edges of the left and right halves of the rectus abdominis muscle is estimated directly. Distinguish:

Is there a slight discrepancy between the press after delivery?

Telling about diastasis after childbirth, what kind of illness, doctors indicate the physiological nature of its development. All pregnant women have some degree of diastasis at a late term, in the 3rd trimester . Therefore, the residual phenomena of this disorder can be fixed in the early postpartum period. Normally, the physiological discrepancy between the muscles of the press can be fixed for 6-8 weeks after delivery. In a separate case, such changes are noted and a year after the appearance of the baby. However, the distance does not exceed 2 cm.

How to determine diastasis after childbirth?

Women who have even heard of such a violation, like diastasis after childbirth, how to determine it is not always known. In order to diagnose a violation, to assume its presence, doctors recommend to conduct simple tests. They are based on the performance of certain physical exercises:

  1. They lay on their backs, legs bend at the knees. Slowly and smoothly raise the head and shoulders, while keeping the chin in the position pressed to the chest. Having placed a hand along the midline of the abdomen, slightly above the navel, fingers are trying to dip inwards, estimating the distance between the muscles.
  2. Having laid down on a back, legs straighten in a lap. Raise first one, to a height of 10 cm from the floor. Fingers are placed on the abdomen along the middle line, trying to immerse them inward.

In this case, you need to listen to your feelings - is there any pain, pulling up uncomfortable sensations in the area of ​​the pubic symphysis. During the execution of the tests described above, you need to carefully monitor the abdominal surface. If it has a slight swelling, a cushion, this indicates diastase. Then a medical consultation is required.

How to eliminate diastasis after childbirth?

Having managed to determine in itself diastasis after childbirth, what to do after that moms often do not know. The diastase of the rectus abdominal muscles after delivery, which takes a long time to treat, is also determined during postnatal preventive examination. In this case, two methods of therapy are possible: conservative and radical. The first is used at 1 degree of impairment, when the pathology is weakly expressed and can be eliminated by strengthening the muscles with the help of physical exercises. Such therapy is long-term and takes sometimes 1 year.

Radical treatment consists in conducting a surgical operation. In the course of it, the muscle structures are brought together, eliminating the existing space. This method is used in severe disorders, which are fraught with the development of a hernia - protrusion of the abdominal cavity outwards. The operation is performed under general anesthesia , takes up to 2 hours.

How many diastases after birth?

Having learned about the developed diastasis after recent birth, what kind of disease is it, mothers are interested in what the duration of the recovery process is. The length of the period during which it is possible to eliminate diastasis of the abdominal muscles after childbirth depends on the degree of disruption. So, the easy degree is often liquidated independently for 1,5-3 months. 2 and 3, the degree of diastase requires physical exercises, and sometimes even surgical intervention. At the same time, the entire recovery process can take from 5 months to 1 year.

Exercises for diastasia after childbirth

Exercises with diastase, recommended by a doctor, require accurate and systematic implementation. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the result and eliminate pathology. When the complex is performed 3 times a week, the first result is visible after 1.5-2 months. Speaking about how to remove diastase after birth, doctors call the following exercises:

  1. Compression. Having assumed a lying position, legs bend at the knees, and the feet are pressed to the floor. Under the waist, a towel is brought, take its ends and cross the arms bent at the elbows in front of you. While exhaling, they lift their head together with the shoulder girdle, while the waist is squeezed tight with a towel. Return to the starting position. Repeat exercise 10-15 times.
  2. A hundred. Lying on the floor, bending his knees, press his feet and waist tightly to the floor. Hands are placed along the trunk, palms facing downward. While exhaling, they simultaneously raise their heads and shoulders with their hands from the floor. Delayed in position for a few seconds, then return to the original. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Bending of the legs. Exercise is performed in a prone position on the floor. Alternately bend and straighten the legs, sliding feet on the surface of the floor. Repeat 15 times with each leg in turn.
  4. Bridge. Settled on the floor in a prone position, hands along the body, bend your knees. The feet are slightly wider than the hips. On exhalation, raise the pelvis upwards, while exhaling is lowered. Repeat 10 times.

Can I pump the press during diastase?

Diastasis of the rectus muscles is a contraindication to performing intensive exercises on the press . Repeated cyclic movements of the body up and down can aggravate the situation and lead to a greater divergence of the muscular structures of the anterior abdominal wall. Such exercises are allowed to perform so much for a small degree of disruption - the distance between the muscles does not exceed 2 cm.

Diastasis after childbirth - how to clean the stomach?

When the diastasis of the abdominal muscles occurs in the postpartum period, doctors recommend refraining from performing standard exercises. In this case, the mother should avoid both prolonged physical exertion, sharp inclinations. Begin to get rid of the sagging belly after childbirth gynecologists are allowed in 2-3 months. By this time, the uterus is partially restored, internal seams will be able to dissolve.

Diastasis after childbirth - surgery

Before treating diastasis after childbirth, doctors determine the extent of the disorder. The type of therapeutic effect depends directly on this. So, the diastase of the rectus abdominal muscles after the 3rd degree birth requires surgical intervention. In the absence of a hernia, isolated endoscopic removal is performed. Through small incisions on the abdomen, the surgeon draws the muscle structures along the entire white line. Restorative postoperative period involves wearing compression linen. When there is a hernia of the white line, initially it is liquidated.