The first days after childbirth - how not to be confused by my mother?

The first days after childbirth are an exciting time period, coupled with a lot of difficulties. The young mother is just beginning to get used to the new role. Consider this period, we will tell about what happens to the body, how to behave in the maternity hospital.

What happens after giving birth in the hospital?

The first days after childbirth, like the entire early postpartum period, are often accompanied by complications. The first 2 hours from the moment of appearance of the baby, the woman is in the rod, waiting for the departure of the afterlife. If this happens, the young mother is transferred to the postpartum ward. At this time, she is necessarily visited by a doctor who is interested in well-being, conducts an examination, assesses the condition.

The first day after giving birth, the woman giving birth is given a rest. Often the newborn is separated from the mother. They bring the kid only to feed. In the evening the child in a separate bed is left with the ward together with his mother. Women are given detailed recommendations, teach how to properly hold the toilet of the genital organs of the baby, talk about the frequency of feeding.

What to do in the hospital after childbirth?

The early postpartum period ends 6-8 weeks after the appearance of crumbs into the light. The first days are characterized by an increased contraction of uterine myometrium, which leads to the appearance of lochia - bloody discharge from the vagina, containing the remains of the cells of the posterior, endometrium. So the uterus tries to purify itself, to restore its former dimensions.

These days mom must constantly monitor her health. Talking about how to behave after childbirth in the hospital, doctors note that the implementation of all their recommendations and instructions is the key to a quick and successful recovery period. At the same time, you should pay time and yourself, while at the same time making contact with the newborn, communicating and caring for him.

Meal delivery in the first days after childbirth

Nutrition after birth in the first days should be divided. At the same time the ration necessarily contains useful microelements and vitamins, which help to restore strength after childbirth. It is worth remembering that with the appearance of a baby a woman should completely reconsider her diet, especially when breastfeeding. For such mothers, there is a large list of foods that are prohibited from eating from now on. Here are some of them:

What can I give to the mother in the hospital after delivery?

Food after childbirth for the mother in the hospital is selected taking into account the weakness of the female body. The menu is designed in such a way as to restore maximum strength. But it almost does not look like Mom used to eat at home. After the appearance of the baby, relatives and relatives use any opportunities to see the newborn as soon as possible in the first days after the birth. But visits to the maternity ward are prohibited. Because of this, they are forced to transmit programs - mothers are often asked to bring "home". There is a permitted list of products in the hospital after delivery, which includes:

Talking about what you can eat in the hospital after delivery, doctors remind:

The first days after childbirth - caring for a child

Care for the newborn in the hospital after childbirth begins to carry out a nurse. Often it happens that there are gaps in the perineum in the mother, in which the movements are restricted. If the birth was normal, then in the first days after childbirth the nurse starts showing and teaching how to take care of a baby, starting with how to properly hold the baby in her arms. The necessary procedure is a toilet, which is held daily. It includes:

Sensations after birth in the first days

The first day after childbirth in the maternity home is accompanied by a feeling of harmony, joy, with the realization of such an important event. This fact is associated with an increase in the concentration of endorphins in the blood. They cause the elated mood of the mother, joy. But often this phenomenon can be overshadowed by the consequences of the birth process with which the puerpera can face. Among them are:

  1. Difficulty in the process of urination. For 8 hours after delivery, the woman should empty the bladder. If this does not happen, the body will interfere with normal contractions of the uterus, the restoration process. When the act of urination is accompanied by pain, burning, unpleasant sensations - it is necessary to inform the doctor.
  2. Spastic phenomena. They are caused by intensive contractions of uterine myometrium. For several tens of days after the appearance of the child, the organ decreases in size by about 20 times. It should be borne in mind that the pain can be intensified in the process of breastfeeding. The fact is due to the production of oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions.
  3. Pain in the perineal region. It is associated with the trauma and overgrowth of the muscle fibers of the birth canal. A few days later they disappear on their own (3-4 days).
  4. Problems with the stool. Considered as a consequence of stretching the muscles of the abdominal and pelvic floor, which prevents a normal act of defecation.

How do ultrasound after childbirth in the hospital?

Ultrasound after delivery in the maternity hospital is appointed for the purpose of examining the uterine cavity. This study helps to evaluate the reproductive system, to identify complications of the birth process at an early stage. It is compulsory to conduct the study if there is a suspicion of uterine rupture In the absence of such, the procedure is appointed for 3-4 days from the moment the baby's birth.

When carrying out the manipulation, the transabdominal method is used - the test is performed by placing the sensor on the front abdominal wall. Carefully inspect the uterine cavity. Normally it is slit, moderately expanded. Separately, the abdominal cavity is assessed for lack of blood in it. If any, surgical intervention may be prescribed.

When discharged from the hospital after childbirth?

One of the frequent questions of expectant mothers relates directly to how many are in the hospital after delivery. The doctors can not give a definite answer to this question. Each case is unique - the recovery of the reproductive system occurs at different rates. Factors affecting the discharge are:

When the childbirth process had no complications, the baby and in the first days after the birth of a mother with a crumb herself feel great, an extract from the medical institution can be carried out for 3-4 days. When the operation was performed by cesarean section, the woman was released home not earlier than 7-10 days. During this period, the mother is under the supervision of doctors because of the high risk of postpartum complications (uterine bleeding).

The first days after the birth of the house

The first day after the birth of the house is accompanied by certain inconveniences. Due to lack of experience, a primipara woman needs help and hints from loved ones. Doctors recommend a thorough preparation for the arrival of a new member of the family. For the kid should be equipped with a separate corner, in the center with a crib. Mom should fully comply with the recommendations and instructions of doctors, which are issued on the eve of discharge.

What does the mother need after giving birth at home?

All at once it is impossible to acquire. Because of this, many women in the process of buying the necessary things and accessories to take care of the child. Do not forget about yourself. So, after the birth of the home, many continue the treatment of stitches, continue to take medications prescribed by a doctor. As for the things necessary for caring for the baby, the list of them can be continued indefinitely. In this case, there are those that have a first need:

Seam care after childbirth

Before discharge, the procedural nurse tells the woman how to handle the stitches after the birth of the house. Carry out this procedure at least 2 times a day. Before its implementation, the toilet of the external genitalia is needed. As an antiseptic, use diamond greens or a weak, aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. At the same time, it is necessary to wash with simple water after each visit to the toilet.

Care of the child after the hospital

Care of the child after discharge from the maternity hospital falls on the shoulders of the mother. It is important not to forget to hold a toilet, which includes:

  1. Care of eyes. Cotton disk, moistened with boiled water, wipe both eyes in the direction from the outside to the bridge of the nose.
  2. Sweating. Carried out as necessary, after each act of defecation. Girls - from front to back, be sure. Dry the diaper with the diaper with blotting movements.
  3. Processing the remainder of the umbilical cord. Use alcohol solution, peroxide, brilliant green.
  4. Care for ears. The cotton wool is rolled into a flagellum, moistened in a sterile vaseline oil and the purification of auditory strokes is performed.
  5. Care of the nose. Dry flagellum made of sterile cotton wool.
  6. Care for marigolds. Cut must not be short, so as not to cause pain. Use tweezers or special, small scissors for children .