
Ragamuffin cats were bred some twenty years ago in America. It is impossible to establish a more accurate date, because the cat ragamuffin became an unplanned result of breeding, aimed at the derivation of a new variety of ragdolls. The name of the breed is not translated poetically - a ragamuffin. This is due to the fact that the ragdolls were crossed with ordinary street mongrel cats. For the first time kittens ragamuffin were demonstrated at an exhibition held in 1994. And only nine years later the breed was officially recognized. From ragdolls representatives of ragamuffins differ in color, and character and appearance are almost identical.

Breed description

Ragamuffin cats are quite large in size. Their wool is thick, medium-length, silky. This breed is very easy to recognize by a wide wedge-shaped head and smooth rounded body shapes. The neck of cats is strong and short, and the cheeks on the muzzle are outstanding. The eyes of the ragamuffins are golden-green or green, but there are animals that have a blue, aquamarine eye color. There are animals with disagreement.

Between the toes on the paws is a thick fur, and the tail is very fluffy, long and tapering to the tip. Due to the thick coat on the hind legs and the collar around the neck, ragamaffin is like a lion. The texture of the hair and undercoat is almost the same. Cats of ragamuffin color can have almost any, but more often there are animals of color bicolor, black colorpoint and tabby.

The disqualification characteristic of ragamuffin includes such vices as a short squat body, a noticeable spine, tail bones, pointed ears, strabismus and large eyes, a Roman nose and a cotton undercoat.

Regarding the nature of ragamuffin, we can say that these are cats with a calm temperament, distinguished by their ingenuity. They have no difficulty in adapting to any conditions. Peace-loving animals willingly go to contact with family members, love to play, are easily trained. The only drawback may be coexistence with other domestic pets. Ragamuffins are very shy and can not stand up for themselves, so you have to constantly protect the pet from a dog or other cat. The instinct of a hunter in ragamuffin is practically zero, so it is not worth waiting for the activity of a cat when a mouse appears.

Ragamaffin content

These animals are very unpretentious, so caring for ragamuffin is simple. You only need to monitor the condition of the coat, combing it once a week with the comb, and provide the pet with adequate nutrition. Breeders recommend to abandon the products customary for humans and to feed ragamaffine with a specialized premium food that will provide the body with the necessary calorie intake. You can also give the cat vitamin-mineral supplements and complexes. Special paste for the prevention of formation in the stomach of ragamaffin Hfuf of wool must be in the diet necessarily. Care for the eyes and ears of the animal should be carried out regularly (wiping and cleaning with cotton swabs).

If you consider all the care requirements, your pet will not be sick. Strong health combined with mandatory vaccination guarantees ragamuffin a long life. Vaccinations for kittens of ragamuffin must be done before reaching the age of three months.

I plan to get the houses of this wonderful pet, do not forget about its vital need for communication. Ragamuffins are social animals, so loneliness is unacceptable for them. A bored inactive cat, which is not ironed, is not taken in hand, can even get sick.