What kind of dog to choose for an apartment?

As you know, relatives are not chosen, but when acquiring a four-legged friend, you should know in advance what breeds of dogs can be kept in the apartment. Each breed has its own characteristics, the nature of the pet is known even before you acquire it.

Also it is worthwhile to think about who you want to get first of all: a companion's dog, a guard's dog, a watchman's dog or a hunting dog. Only after you decide what you need a pet for, you can decide what breed of dogs you'd better get into an apartment.

Some examples of the best breeds for an apartment

None of the breeds can combine at the same time the qualities inherent in different breeds, genetic traits of character will not be corrected by any training, so you should know for sure who you want, especially if you have children living in an apartment with you.

Also, you should start a pet, focusing on the size of the apartment, a small number of square meters is better to start a small dog. Representatives of large breeds living in small apartments will suffer from restriction of movement and from what will unintentionally disturb someone, in addition, large dogs, abundantly shedding, will bring some discomfort to people living in the apartment.

Considering all of the above, and thinking about the question of what breeds of dogs are better for an apartment, you can, as an example, consider several options:

Mini Dachshund. A small dog will, nevertheless, become a faithful friend and companion, while its great advantage will be that it almost does not shed. Dachshunds are "gluttons", often suffer from excess weight, so they require long walks, besides they can raise alarms, bark loudly, hearing any sound or rustle, it is not always like neighbors.

Basset Hound. This breed of dogs by nature and content partly resembles a dachshund. The difference between them is the phlegmatic nature of the Basset Hounds, they can stay still for a long time in their place, their rare barking will not annoy neighbors. Representatives of this breed can be excellent watchmen, despite their not very large size, they have a loud, menacing voice.

English bulldog. These dogs are great for living in an apartment, even in a small one. Having chosen a warm place on the couch or armchair, your pet, lazy and lazy person, can spend most of his life on it. Such a pet almost does not shed, rarely produces sounds, however, often can snore. Despite the small size, the individuals of this breed in your absence will repel the attacker, they know a lot about the fight.

Pug, Spitz, Chihuahua, Toy Terrier. Unlike previously considered medium breeds of dogs, these are representatives of decorative rocks. Representatives of these breeds are very compact, almost do not shed, and if necessary, they can not even be taken out to the street every day, accustomed to the tray. The shortcomings of these breeds include uneasy care for them, these animals have very fragile bones, they easily cripple, are picky in nutrition, often suffer from poisoning. Trouble with them, often, more than joy.

If the area of ​​the room is large, then you can get a large breed of dogs, for living in an apartment, almost any animal will do. If the owner can provide timely, conscientious care and proper maintenance, then it can be a sheepdog , a rottweiler , a Doberman , and any other breed.

Therefore, when asked which breed of dogs to choose for an apartment, everyone can give their answer: the one that best suits your needs, opportunities and is most suitable for keeping in existing conditions.