Rash on the forehead of an adult - reasons

The face of a person is the first thing that people around pay attention to, and clean skin in many respects - a pledge of their location. And if the rashes in the adolescent are taken quite calmly, the rash on the forehead in the adult, where she most often appears, is an occasion for frustration.

The main causes of rash on the forehead in an adult

A small rash on the forehead of an adult appears as a result of the influence of a number of external and internal factors.

External are:

Factors of internal influence

The most common cause of the appearance of a small rash on the forehead in an adult is a violation of the internal organs. In this case, the localization of a red rash on the forehead in an adult can be used to judge which organ is functioning incorrectly. For example:

  1. The central part of the forehead is subjected to frequent rashes in the disturbances of the operation of the small intestine.
  2. Pimples and redness on the left side of the forehead, as a rule, mean that the rectum is not working properly.
  3. Rashes and pigmentation in the upper half of the forehead indicates a functional disorder of the colon.
  4. The rash around the perimeter of the forehead (in the temporal part and along the hairline) signals problems with the bladder.
  5. Inflamed pimples on the temples - a sign of a disorder of the gallbladder.
  6. Irritation in the zone of the brow-shaped arches warns of the malfunctioning of the adrenal glands.

Often acne on the forehead of adults appears at certain periods associated with cardinal hormonal changes in the body. So, in women, acne can appear during pregnancy, menopause, and sometimes during menstruation and in the post-menstrual period.

Elimination of rashes

If the rash appears systematically, then a consultation with a dermatologist or a specialist cosmetologist is required. According to the results examination and laboratory analyzes, a comprehensive course of therapy will be developed to address the underlying cause (treatment of internal disease) and eliminate external manifestations through the use of: