Pigmentation above the upper lip

Often in the women's team, you can hear complaints about the appearance of pigmentation over the upper lip. As a rule, this problem is considered cosmetic, caused by age-related changes, but sometimes it can also speak of abnormalities in the work of internal organs.

What causes pigmentation of the upper lip?

The reasons for the appearance of pigment spots can be several:

  1. Pregnancy. During this period, a real hormonal storm occurs in the body, which can provoke an increase in the production of melanin (a pigment responsible for skin color). As a rule, such pigmentation occurs after the birth of the child and the restoration of the female body.
  2. Violations of the menstrual cycle , the intake of hormonal tablets.
  3. Changes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Glistovye infestations.
  4. Diseases of the adrenal glands.
  5. Diseases of the thyroid gland or pituitary gland.
  6. Hereditary sensitivity to ultraviolet.
  7. Peeling or hair removal in this zone, produced with a violation of technology.

As you can see, the overwhelming majority of the causes of the appearance of pigmentation above the upper lip cause a violation of the hormonal background.

Treatment of pigmentation over the upper lip

If you have pigmentation above the upper lip, it is advisable to consult specialists and take tests. If this is caused by age-related changes in the body or by exposure to ultraviolet light, you can contact a cosmetologist.

Treatment of pigmentation over the upper lip in the cosmetology room can be represented by several procedures:

Similar procedures are best performed in the autumn-winter season, when the concentration of ultraviolet rays is low. If the procedure is carried out in the summer, then it is advisable not to go out after it for 12-24 hours or do in the evening.

To struggle with such cosmetic defect, as a primary pigmentation, it is possible and in house conditions. To remove pigmentation above the upper lip will help masks and lotions, made according to the recipes of traditional medicine with the use of natural bleaching agents:

It is worth remembering that even the complete elimination of pigmentation over the lip by cosmetic means does not guarantee that the problem will not arise again. The best prevention is proper nutrition and the use of products that protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.