Child development per year

A one-year-old child is very different from a newborn baby, because in the 12 months of his life he has acquired a huge number of new skills and abilities, his muscles have grown significantly, and the dictionary of understood words and terms has significantly expanded. Serious changes have occurred in the active speech of the baby, as well as in the emotional sphere.

Meanwhile, both the physical and psychological development of the child per year continues to go forward with leaps and bounds. With each month of his life, the child learns more and more new knowledge, and previously known skills and skills are constantly being improved. In this article, we will tell you how the baby's development progresses in a year and after that date.

What should a baby be able to do in 1 year?

A one-year-old should stand confidently, holding a vertical position and not resting on anything. Most children by this age already begin to walk on their own, but some babies are still afraid to take steps without support and prefer to actively crawl, including going down and climbing the stairs. Normally, a year-old baby can sit, straighten and rise to his feet from any position. In addition, these babies climb with ease and pleasure on an armchair or a sofa and descend from them.

A 12-month-old baby can play for a while on his own, collecting and dismantling the pyramid, making up a tower of cubes or rolling a toy on wheels in front of him. The development of active speech in a child in 1 year is characterized by a lot of babble words pronounced in his "children's" language. Yet, one-year-old children already pronounce from 2 to 10 realized words so that they are understood by everyone around them. In addition, the crumb must necessarily react to his name and the word "impossible", as well as to fulfill simple requests.

Development of the child after 1 year by months

Even if your baby has not taken his first steps before performing one year of age, he will surely do so in the first 3 months after the birthday. So, by the age of 15 months, a normally developing child must necessarily do at least 20 steps independently and do not sit down and for no reason hold on.

Playing with the kid after a year becomes much more interesting, because he does it quite consciously and with great interest. Now the crumb does not pull the inedible objects in the mouth and as a whole becomes more accurate. In the second year of life, both boys and girls play with pleasure in various role-playing games, "trying on" the role of mother, father and other adults. Games and other activities are now accompanied by a variety of emotions, exclamations and rich mimic movements. In the period from 12 to 15 months, all children begin to actively use the index gesture, and also nod and shake their heads in agreement or denial.

The development of the child in a year and a half is distinguished by a huge share of independence. At this age, the crumb with ease walks, runs and performs a lot of other activities without the help of adults. Most children can already eat their own spoon and drink from the cup. Some babies successfully undress by themselves and even try to dress. Approximately at this age, children are already beginning to have good control over the urge to go to the toilet, so they can easily refuse using disposable diapers.

After one and a half years, the children have a significant breakthrough in speech development - there are many new words that the crumb already tries to put into small sentences. Especially good and fast it turns out for girls. Normally, the active speech reserve of a child aged 1 year 8 months should be at least 20 words, and in 2 years - from 50 and above.

Do not worry much if your son or daughter is a little behind their peers. Daily engage with your baby, and he quickly makes up for lost time. To do this, it is convenient to use different methods of early development for children from year to year, for example, the Doman-Manichenko system, the "100 colors" technique or the Nikitin game.

In some cases, it may be difficult for parents to understand their child during this growing period, because after a year the kids often start to be very capricious and stubborn, and moms and dads do not know how to behave with them. To better understand your son or daughter, we advise you to read the book "Development of the personality of the child from year to three." Using this great psychological guide to build the right communication with your child, you can always understand whether everything is in order and what should be paid special attention.