What kind of goddess are you by the sign of the zodiac?

In ancient Greece had its own original star map, which used not the familiar signs of the zodiac, but the Greek goddesses. Modern astrologers were able to compare the information and now every woman has the opportunity to find out her patroness.

What kind of goddess are you by the sign of the zodiac?

Aries . The patron of this sign is one of the most revered goddesses of Greece - Athena. It gives people diligence and aspiration, which helps them to achieve success in any business. Aries constantly go to perfection, but they are unrestrained and even selfish.

Taurus . The mythical goddess of this sign of the zodiac is Demeter. As she is the patroness of artisans, she gives people diligence, good mind and responsibility. Taurus are ready for much for their family.

The twins . Manages these women, Iris, who is the messenger of the gods. They can do incredible things, but only they should be interested. Twins do not like any boundaries.

Cancer . The goddess on this sign of the zodiac is Gaia, who is the patroness of the earth, and she is also considered the mother of all living things. That's why Gemini likes to bake and help others.

The Lion . Representatives of this sign are protected by a powerful Hera, which makes them honest and responsible. Lions have good intuition, and they are also excellent partners.

The Virgin . These goddesses are governed by the goddess of justice Themis, therefore it is generally accepted that they always tell the truth.

Scales . In the horoscope of the goddess Persephone, on this sign of the zodiac, it is stated that the ladies born in this period must flow downstream, for only then can they be happy.

Scorpio . Representatives of this sign are Hecate, which is associated with magic. Such energy is transmitted to women who have special magnetism.

Sagittarius . These people are managed by Artemis, the patroness of the hunt. Sagittarians are sincere, they have excellent intuition and for them diversity is very important.

Capricorn . The Greek goddess by the sign of the zodiac is Hestia, who is considered the guardian of the hearth. Representatives of this sign are calm and sensitive. To offend such women is very simple.

Aquarius . Manages these ladies Nick - the goddess of victory, which gives them love for freedom and the desire to be always the first. Aquarians are also generous.

Pisces . The patroness of this sign is Aphrodite, who gives women charm and the ability to love and be friends. If their feelings are rejected, they become aggressive.