Vitamins for teeth

A smile is an important part of a person's appearance, especially a woman. Beautiful, even, white teeth adorn and make the image dazzling. Help the teeth to resist the daily stresses, age changes, the action of pathogens, vitamins help us.

What vitamins are useful for teeth?

Everyone knows that the main building blocks for enamel are phosphorus and calcium. Their deficiency can cause a delay in the development of teeth or irreversible changes in the layer of enamel. Vitamins A, C, K, E, B6, B3, D. are extremely useful vitamins not only for teeth, but also for hair and bones.

  1. Vitamin A is responsible for the metabolism, i.e. regulates the secretion of the salivary gland. If the body lacks this element for a long time, the enamel gradually becomes like sandpaper, and the teeth loosen and fall out.
  2. Vitamin B is the best friend of phosphorus and calcium. They prefer to work together. help each other to be absorbed, distributed by tissues and absorbed.
  3. "Droplet" vitamin C performs several functions at once: restores bone tissue damage, strengthens capillaries of vessels, participates in metabolism and oxidative processes. Without this vitamin, the teeth can not overcome the strain that we give them during chewing food.
  4. Vitamin B6 is a "builder", which is occupied by the structure of the gums, teeth, bones, hair. By the way, it is often used during periodontal treatment.

Recommendations for selection

Vitamins for strengthening teeth are usually prescribed by a dentist. And do not neglect his recommendations. Perhaps during the examination the doctor will see that your teeth need nutrition and care. If you already know what vitamins are needed for your teeth, you can go to the pharmacy for them. Some prefer to eat several pills in their pure form, for others the best option become vitamin-mineral complexes. Such balanced means are "Calcinova", "Asepta" "Vitrum forte prenatal", "Splat". These vitamins are suitable for tooth enamel, act on the tooth tissue from the inside, favorably affect the gums.

But not all vitamins for teeth, suitable for adults, can be used by children - it is worth knowing about this when choosing. Read the instructions carefully and study the dosage. It must also be remembered that almost all vitamins for teeth and gums are contained in food. Consuming cottage cheese, cereals, fruits and vegetables, you provide yourself with a Hollywood smile every day.