Shoes rubbing his heels - what to do?

If you bought new shoes, then most likely, by the end of the first day of her socks on the heels, you get corn . What to do in this case and why does the new shoe rub the heel?

What can I do to prevent my shoes from rubbing my heels?

To remedy this situation, there are several options.

  1. Put a soft cloth on the back of the new shoes, tap it with a hammer, without applying any special efforts. The skin from this will become softer and the shoes will stop rubbing their heels.
  2. Will help reduce the friction of the back of the heel on the heel or a candle, which must be rubbed from the inside back of the new shoes. However, this procedure should be done until the shoes stop rubbing.
  3. Moisten the backs in those places that rubbed, with vodka, put the shoes on your feet and go like this for at least half an hour. The shoes sit on the leg and stop rubbing the calluses.
  4. You can soak a small towel in the vinegar and put it on the shoes for the night.
  5. It happens that he rubs his shoes, which is a bit small for you. In this case, you need to put in it for about fifteen minutes a rag soaked in very hot water. Then you have to put on shoes on thick socks and so walk around the house for at least a couple of hours. The result will surprise you.
  6. Shoes made of genuine leather can be slightly expanded in this way - two dense packages of polyethylene pour water and firmly tie them. Carefully pack these bags in shoes, and put this whole structure in a freezer for the night. Water will freeze in the cold, while expanding and stretching your shoes.
  7. The traditional way from calluses is an adhesive plaster on the heels or on the back of the shoes.
  8. If the above methods do not help, you can contact the shoe store, where you can buy special appliances that will help to prevent calluses on your legs.