Crab sticks - caloric content

Not so long ago, appeared on the shelves of shops, crab sticks immediately won popularity among consumers. With their help, the housewives can cook a large number of different dishes. But not everyone knows, the production of crab sticks does not use natural crab meat.

Composition of crab sticks

The composition of this product is generally the same and the manufacturer is absolutely independent. The basis of it is ground meat surimi . In addition to it, salt crab, sugar, drinking water, vegetable and egg white, purified starch and vegetable oil are present in crab sticks. They are part of many dishes and have a pleasant taste, but here about their benefits can be heard quite rarely. In the process of cooking fish, all its minerals, useful fats and vitamins that make up the product, disappear. Remains in them only fish protein. They can be made from soy protein and starch with the addition of dyes, flavors, thickeners and flavor enhancers. With this composition, they do not exactly benefit the body.

Are crab sticks really caloric?

People who adhere to a diet are primarily interested in how many kilocalories in crab sticks. On average, the calorie content of crab sticks per 100 grams of the product is 88 kcal, which makes them suitable for dietary nutrition. It contains vitamins C, B, A, a lot of protein and few carbohydrates. Due to this, in spite of the fact that there are not enough calories in crab sticks, they quickly saturate the body.

Considering that one crab stick weighs about 25 grams, the calorie content of 1 crab stick will not exceed 25 kcal. The energy value of crab sticks is this: 6 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat and 10 grams of carbohydrates.

Diet based on crab sticks

One of the most popular diets, based on crab sticks, is a diet that should be followed only for 4 days. The diet plan is as follows: during the day you need to drink a liter of kefir and eat 200 grams of crab sticks. At the same time kefir should be low-calorie, and food intake should be done every 2-3 hours. By calories such a scheme of nutrition per day comes out only 450 units, and given that with normal diet is the norm is 2000 calories per day, you will lose weight quickly. Thus, as well as at any other diet, it is necessary to drink 2 liters of still water. You can also drink green tea without sugar. Observing such a diet , you can get rid of 5 kg of weight, and your body will clear of accumulated toxins and toxins. By calorie, this diet is considered low. Its advantage is that your body will receive not only a small amount of calories, but also a necessary supply of useful substances, since both kefir and natural crab sticks contain nutritious elements necessary for the body. According to many women, this diet is easily tolerated by the body.

Harm to crab sticks

The benefits of crab sticks, as we have already found, should not be expected. And can they harm our body? Quality crab sticks are completely harmless, but if you eat low-quality product under the guise of eating into the body, a large number of far from useful chemical compounds will get into the body. Therefore, if you want to avoid unpleasant consequences, you need only buy fresh crab sticks of famous manufacturers. In this case, they must be in a vacuum package. In this case, low caloric content of crab sticks and their excellent taste will only benefit you.