How to peel a sheepskin coat - the most effective methods of removing stains

The question of how to clean the sheepskin coat sooner or later worries all the owners of this popular outerwear. After all, on any product you can accidentally leave a stain that will catch your eye, besides this material has the property of glossy and salting.

How to clean the sheepskin coat at home?

Deciding what can be cleaned sheepskin coat, it is important to know that there are two methods of cleaning - dry and wet. The first involves treatment without soaking the product, the second - using a variety of liquids. Before the beginning of the process, you need to choose a cleaning compound that is suitable for the material and color of the sheepskin coat, try it on an inconspicuous patch of clothing.

How to clean suede sheepskin coat?

Suits from suede - delicate products, because they are more visible to different dirt, even a speck of dust from them is more difficult to shake. As a care, such a thing should be regularly treated with a stiff hair brush, so that the villi on it remain pripushennymi - so they are less salted. How to clean suede sheepskin coat:

  1. It is advisable to treat nap with table salt, it is effective for small impurities. It is not worth it to be very upset that the product does not grow bald.
  2. To remove greasy and friable stains, you can use burlap - soak it in gasoline and rub the blot.
  3. A heavily soiled product is treated with a sponge soaked in such a solution - mix ammonia with water at a concentration of 4: 1, after which immediately rinse the product with cold water, wipe with a dry cloth and dry naturally. Water can be replaced with soap powder.
  4. To give a second wind to the old sheepskin coat, you need to take a glass of warmed milk and mix it with 1 teaspoon of soda. Blend the thing or stain with a mixture, then rinse the area with clean water and vinegar (1 teaspoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water).

Than to clean a leather sheepskin coat?

Deciding how to clean the sheepskin coat from the skin, you can use the improvised means. Beforehand, they should be applied to small parts of the product and checked that it does not shed. It is important to remember that excessive moistening of the material during the procedure can not be tolerated. How to clean a natural sheepskin leather:

  1. Fresh stains are eliminated with abrasive agents, such as manganese, starch. They will absorb dirt, grease and lighten the skin. The product is spread over the surface and slightly rubs.
  2. Low-fat stains are removed with a piece of rubber soaked in kerosene.
  3. To remove stale spots, you need a gauze soaked in gasoline or kerosene. A napkin is several times spent on contamination, after the product is dried in fresh air.

How to clean a light sheepskin coat?

A beautiful light thing requires special attention and a lot of strength to support its flawless appearance. Petrol and kerosene for such a product can not be used. How to clean white sheepskin coat at home:

  1. It is necessary to take 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia and 1 glass of water, moisten the cotton disc in this solution and intensively wipe the stain.
  2. A light sheepskin coat can be cleaned with a soap solution, to which a couple of drops of ammonia must be added. After cleaning, the product is treated with a cloth soaked in a solution: in half a liter of water, add 20 ml of glycerin and 5 ml of ammonia and borax.
  3. You can put a cotton glove on your hand with pimples outward, take a handful to another handful and rub it with a glove wherever there are spots. The result can be seen immediately - the croup absorbs dirt and turns black, it is replaced and repeated until it is clean.

How to clean a collar on a sheepskin coat?

Before you clean the sheepskin coat at home, it's important to know that in the process of socks, the collar, pockets, and lapels of the sleeves suffer most. In these places there are greasy areas and fatty formations. To eliminate them, mix ammonia alcohol solution with tooth powder to the consistency of the paste. The problem areas are cleaned with a hard brush. Instead of ammonia, ammonia can also be used. Leather sheepskin after such a cleaning will look like new.

How to clean the sheepskin coat from the inside at home?

Sometimes it is required to process the product from the inside, so that the yellowed sheepskin can be freshened from time to time. How to clean fur on sheepskin coat:

  1. Turn the product inside out and lay it out on the table. Before you clean the sheepskin from the inside, you need to heat wheat bran in a dry frying pan. After scattering them on the surface of the sheepskin and rubbing into the fur. Then remove the sheepskin coat, remove the bran remnants with a brush with a stiff bristle.
  2. Squeeze out the juice from the lemon, moisten the sponge in it and walk along the surface of the faded fur. After sheepskin comb comb with rare teeth. Instead of lemon juice, you can use ordinary table vinegar - it has a whitening effect.
  3. Yellowtened fur should be sprayed with hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon of the preparation for 0.5 cups of water) and hang the thing to dry.

How to clean a sheepskin coat from a divorce?

Sometimes after a rain or snow from water on a sheepskin there are divorces. Than to clean a natural sheepskin coat from them:

  1. On the injured thing, the area with the divorces should be washed with clean water. This is to ensure that there are no foreign chemicals left in the material. After the wet sheepskin should be dipped with dry cotton napkins, so that they absorbed all the moisture.
  2. Suede products can be rubbed with fine emery paper or pumice. They will remove the stains and swirl the pile, returning the original color to the product. If necessary, you can use aerosols for painting suede.

Than to clean stains on a sheepskin coat?

If stains form on the product, it is necessary to spread it on a flat surface and use one of the proven methods. Spot on the sheepskin coat, how to effectively clean it, so as not to spoil the thing:

  1. Fresh stains are recommended to be removed with the help of manga and starch - they will absorb dirt, moisture and fat. It is necessary to pour the product on a dirty place, leave it for a while and remove it with a brush.
  2. The stubborn stains well removes a mixture of ammonia (20 g), glycerin (20 g) and borax (5 g). The solution is applied sponge to the contaminated area, after 5 minutes it is peeled off with a hard brush.
  3. Oily stains from sheepskin coat work with cotton wool soaked with petrol for lighters or kerosene. It is important when cleaning do not forget to change the disc to a new one as it gets dirty.
  4. Still fresh greasy stains can be tried to remove with the help of bread crumb. To do this, you need to blind the ball and roll it over the dirt. It will take more than one bread crumb - they will have to be changed periodically.

How to clean a shabby sheepskin coat?

Solving the question of how to clean the sheepskin coat, the greatest problems arise with greasy areas. In the presence of such glitches, a piece of rubber will help - the eraser is soaked in kerosene and the contamination is wiped. For more thorough treatment, use a mixture of baby powder and ammonia. How to properly clean the sheepskin coat on the shiny areas:

  1. Before you clean the greasy sheepskin coat, you need to make a mixture of baby powder and ammonia (consistency - gruel).
  2. After the composition is applied to the shaded area and rubbed with a toothbrush.
  3. The rests of the mixture should be washed off with clean water and blot the stain with a clean towel.
  4. If the contamination is old, a little ammonia can be added to the water.
  5. In order not to leave a divorce, it is important to change the rag as it gets dirty.
  6. Next, prepare a solution - 500 ml of water, 20 ml of glycerin, 20 ml of ammonia and 5 ml of borax. This composition should be wiped all clothes, trying not to wet it strongly.

How to clean the sheepskin coat from mold?

If the apartment has high humidity, then sometimes, unfastening the cover with the product, you can find that it is covered with mold . Acetic acid will help to get rid of trouble. How to clean a sheepskin coat at home from mold:

  1. Make the composition: 200 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of acetic acid (70%), 1 teaspoon of liquid soap and 1 teaspoon of soda.
  2. It is important to take into account that acid and alkali enter into a violent reaction, and form a lot of foam, so prepare the solution better over the sink.
  3. Before you clean the mold with such a composition, on a small area you need to check - whether the material is polished.
  4. If everything is in order - a sponge soaked in an acetic solution, you need to clean the surface of the sheepskin coat. After rinse with clean water and the product to dry well.

How to clean an artificial sheepskin coat?

Products made of artificial material are contaminated faster than natural ones. To keep their attractiveness longer, it is important to know how to clean an artificial sheepskin coat at home:

  1. Place the thing on a level surface in a straightened state.
  2. In warm water, add hair shampoo, with a soap solution, using a sponge, repeatedly rub the surface of the product.
  3. Then, several times, wash off the soap foam with a damp rag, pat dry with a paper towel and hang the sheepskin coat on the shoulders.
  4. Dry it at room temperature, without using electrical appliances.
  5. Greasy stains on clothing can be removed with talc or potato starch: sprinkle contamination, leave for a few hours, then remove the adsorbent with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

How to clean the sheepskin coat with a steam cleaner?

Return the sheepskin coat to an attractive appearance with the help of a steam generator. Hot steam kills germs, insects and prevents their appearance. It gently eliminates dirt, without damaging the structure of the material, lifts the pile on the product, refreshing it. In addition, the steam generator will help smooth the product after a long storage. How to peel a sheepskin coat with a steam cleaner :

  1. Hang the thing on the hangers, turn on the steam cleaner and fill the tank with filtered water.
  2. Go through the device on the entire surface of the product. Keep it at a distance of 15-20 cm, without delaying long in one place, so that there is not formed a moist condensation.
  3. After steaming, clothes should be hung on the hangers off from other things to dry out.
  4. Then you can clean the sheepskin with a rubber brush for nubuck and suede.