Sunburn of the face - treatment at home

So it turns out that the treatment of sunburn in the face at home is most often to think about. This part of the body is exposed to ultraviolet rays constantly. As a rule, it is possible to notice damage only in the most recent stages - when redness and swelling begin to strike the eye. In this case, treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Why does a sunburn face urgent treatment at home?

The epidermis on the face is especially tender. Therefore, it is much easier to damage it, and the treatment, as a rule, takes a lot of time. If you do not start therapy in time, infection can be added to the main manifestations of the burn. The problem is that during the destruction of cells a substance is released, in which harmful microorganisms feel very comfortable.

The principle of treatment of sunburn of the skin of the face

As soon as you understand that you are burned, try to lower the temperature in the place of injury. The easiest and most effective method is to put your face in cold water. This will help prevent many of the unpleasant consequences of trauma.

At the initial stages it is allowed to treat the epidermis with petroleum jelly. But if the burn is deep, grease it with oily substances is strictly prohibited. Such treatment will only exacerbate the condition and increase fever.

With the deepest injuries, it is better to consult a specialist immediately.

Treatment of sunburn of the face with folk remedies

  1. A method of treating burns, well known to everyone - a mask of fermented milk products. Eliminate the symptoms of burns and yogurt, and sour cream, and whey. Handle their injured place and be sure to rinse off after about a quarter of an hour. Otherwise, the mask will wither and there will be a painful feeling of tightness.
  2. Compresses from cold black or green tea work well.
  3. Many people use raw egg white to treat sunburn on their face. Him cooled and applied to the epidermis as a mask. Ideally, this product is suitable for owners of fatty skin types .
  4. Potato compresses are effective. The raw root is rubbed, wrapped in cheesecloth and applied to a sore spot. Instead of gruel, freshly squeezed juice can be used.
  5. Relieve soreness and remove swelling helps ordinary oatmeal. A small handful of flakes should be filled with water. You should get a medium-density gruel. It is applied to the face, and after drying, it is removed with a moist cotton swab.