Lush curd cakes in a frying pan

Cheerful people are a nutritious and healthy dish, which is suitable for a full breakfast or as a snack for a mid-morning snack. They are prepared quickly enough, and even the most inexperienced culinary expert can easily cope with them.

Cottage Cheese Recipe



Cottage cheese put in a bowl and knead it thoroughly with a fork. Then we break the egg, throw the semolina, sugar and a pinch of shallow salt. Mix everything with a whisk to a homogeneous consistency. Next, we moisten the hands with water, we sculpt small balls and slightly flatten them. We pile billets in flour.

In a frying pan, we warm up the sunflower oil and spread carefully the curds. We roast them for several minutes, and then carefully turn it over and brown it until ready on the other side. Now shift the syrniki to a paper napkin and soak to remove excess fat. We serve lavish curds with sour cream, syrup, honey or jam.

The recipe for lush curd



In a deep bowl we mix cottage cheese, an egg without a shell and sugar. Gradually sprinkle a small amount of flour and mix the mass. We form the cakes with wet hands and roll them in the remaining flour. Frying pan with oil, spread cheese cakes and fry them from two sides to the formation of an appetizing ruddy crust.

The recipe for lush curd cakes in a frying pan with raisins



And here's another proven way to make cottage cheese in a frying pan. Whisk the curd with a blender until homogeneous consistency, and the eggs are divided neatly into yolks and proteins. Then whisk the first with sugar, and the proteins with a fine salt. Raisins thoroughly rinsed, scalded with boiling water, dried on a towel, rolled in flour and mixed with cottage cheese. After introducing the first yolks, then whipped the proteins and pour gradually flour. Mix the homogeneous dough, take a little spoon and form the syrniki. We put them in a frying pan burning with oil and fry delicious curds from two sides to browning. Serve in a warm form, sprinkling at will with powdered sugar .