Shoes with wheels

Boots on wheels, or rather roller sneakers - it's truly something unique and ingenious. In his discoveries, humanity does not stand still and the achievements of the creators of the Heelys brand are a vivid proof of this. By the way, this is the company whose founder Roger Adams in the distant 2000 not only invented, but also patented the roller shoes .

Since then, Khilis has never ceased to amaze. So, recently, on the shelves of shoe stores, creative shoes appeared: ordinary at first glance sneakers and sneakers, the main feature of which was that they instantly turn into commercials.

How do Heelys work on wheels?

Here everything is simple: there is a small groove in the sole of the shoe. That's where the specially created stub is inserted, thanks to which the shoes turn into something cosmic.

By the way, with the help of this novelty you can move faster, do not be late for school or for work. If it seems that these shoes are adored only by children, then we must admit our mistake. It's interesting that Khilis created roller shoes for beginners, amateurs, and those who can not live without extreme day even today. Now it's no wonder why there are adults among regular customers of the brand.

Features of shoes with wheels on the heel

This amazing product is designed in several ways:

  1. For children 4-9 years, the sole of the shoe is made of wear-resistant material. And this suggests that, no matter how agile a baby is, such unusual shoes will last for more than one season.
  2. Models with one small wheel - for those who want to periodically use shoes as ordinary shoes. However, if desired, it can be used as a means of transportation.
  3. Advanced products in the classical style (grindy) is designed for those who like extreme driving. These shoes have plastic inserts.
  4. The most popular model is a specially created Nano board, which is attached with the help of a special patented Sole-Link technology to the sole of the Heelys boot. This device is guaranteed to give new sharp impressions. By the way, the body of the board is made of simultaneously strong and light co-polyester material.

How to ride on shoes with wheels?

So, we stand on a flat surface. We hold our legs for each other. We try to keep balance. We are repelled with a sock from the ground. The center of gravity is transferred to the heel. Prepare yourself that it will take you about 30 minutes to master such miraculous boots.