Helenium - planting and care

Helenium is a perennial ornamental flower. In total there are more than 30 types of helenium. The plant is quite high: the height of the helenium reaches 1.5 m, although low-growth varieties are also grown. Straight stems, covered with leaves, branch at the top, forming a lush bush with numerous flowers. Inflorescences, shaped like baskets, are painted in bright orange, red, yellow, burgundy colors and often bicolour. A very interesting property is that flowers can change color during the growing season: yellow turns orange, and reds acquire a brownish hue. Similar to chamomile flowers exude a sweet scent, attracting pollinating insects to the garden.

The plant blooms quite late - in August and retains its color until late autumn, pleasing the eye with its rich color.

Helenium in landscape design

Tall flowers are planted in the center of the flowerbed , where they are determined not to block the lower plants, or make monopodsadki, which mask the unpresentable buildings and fences. Low-height geleniums look great as curbs. From other plants, heleniums are combined with asters, which also begin to bloom in the second half of the summer, and with ornamental shrubs.

Remember: do not cut flowers to make a bouquet of flowers that are not completely bloomed - in the water they will not open.

Growing and maintenance conditions

Growing helenium is not difficult, although the flower is photophilous, but it also tolerates half-shade. The plant requires abundant watering and quite fertile soil. Frosty winters helenium is going well, but if there is still little snow, the plant freezes.

Planting and care for gelenium are simple, the main thing to consider the need for a flower in regular watering (especially in dry summer). Also gratefully the plant reacts to the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers. If 2 - 3 times a season to feed a flower, then helenium blooms more abundantly. For the winter faded stems should be cut to the ground and mulch the soil with sawdust, moss or cover with lutrasil. If the bushes are excessively high, then it is desirable to remove the growth point. Then for next year helenium will be more magnificent, and flowers will be evenly distributed throughout the height of the bush. Plant transplantation is recommended to be performed after 4 years, because helenium becomes less frost-resistant in time.


Reproduction of helenium is carried out both vegetatively, and by seeds. The bushes grown in May can be planted with small rosettes. During the growth of the stems, the helenium is planted by stem stems. The plant reacts poorly to a dense planting: it is undesirable to plant more than 5 cuttings per 1 m2. Sowing flower seeds in the soil is preferable to autumn, then in the future, young bushes will appear. If you planned to grow helenium from seeds in the spring, then consider that it will be necessary to equip stratification process (growing seeds in wet sawdust at temperatures from +1 to +5 degrees for several weeks). After this the seedlings are planted in the soil, dive, and only in a year you will see the blooming of the helenium.

Pests and diseases

The plant is resistant to parasites. Only occasionally helenium is affected by a chrysanthemum nematode - a small worm-parasite. The pest damages the leaves, flower buds, which gradually bloom and wither. To combat the chrysanthemum nematode, cut and destroy the infected parts of the plant. For the purpose of prevention, it is possible to apply slaked lime or ground sulfur to the soil.

Bright geleniums will be a real decoration of your garden site at a time when everything in nature is fading!