Alopecia areata - why nest hair loss develops, and how to deal with it?

Alopecia is a serious problem, especially among women and adolescents. Nest or focal form of alopecia affects mainly young people, up to 25 years. Due to a noticeable hair loss, patients suffer from emotional disorders, down to severe depression, are subjected to independent and social isolation.

What is alopecia areata?

This pathology is one of the types of baldness. This is a chronic disease, accompanied by hair loss. Affected areas have rounded outlines, are located on the head, and on the body. Nesting alopecia is often accompanied by the destruction of other horny cells. The disease is accompanied by thinning and fragility of the nail plates.

Alopecia areata - causes

With the problem under consideration, the cells of the hair's root structure die. They are damaged by the body's own defense system. The risk of a pathology increases if the closest relatives also diagnosed nesting alopecia - the reasons for the attack of immunoglobulins on hair bulbs are the activation of certain genes. Various external and internal factors can provoke the launch of this mechanism.

Alopecia areata in women

The appearance of the described pattern of alopecia is analogous for any gender and age. Alopecia areata - an autoimmune disease, which is activated by a combination of some genes. While it was not possible to find out which specific areas of DNA are responsible for the inadequate response of the body's defenses to bulbs. Focal hair loss in women - the causes predisposing to the pathological process:

Focal alopecia in men

The reasons for this type of baldness in this case are identical to the factors listed above. Nesting alopecia in men also develops against the background of pathological autoimmune processes and is enhanced by the presence of a genetic predisposition. Progression of the disease is observed against the background of exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the skin, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and other ailments.

A direct link between nonspecific colitis and focal alopecia and similar pathologies is absent, but infections can provoke the intensification or resumption of the process of hair loss. In addition, in men, alopecia baldness worsens when blood microcirculation is impaired:

Alopecia areata in children

At an early age, the disease in question is often diagnosed after severe viral infections. The risk of partial alopecia increases, if focal loss of hair was recorded in the nearest blood relatives. Children who are constantly exposed to stress or emotional stress, are also prone to this pathology. Sometimes, alopecia areata is associated with a sharp change in lifestyle - entering school, moving, the death of a family member and other circumstances. Additional factors contributing to child and adolescent hair loss:

Stages of alopecia areata

The clinical picture and speed of the course of the disease depends on its degree. There are 3 stages of the problem:

  1. Active (progressive). The skin in the foci blushes, swells and inflames. Burning and itching, tingling. The patient notices a large number of broken strands. At the boundaries of the zones of baldness, the "loosened" hair grows - with slight pulling, they are removed from the skin, especially this symptom is noticeable, when focal alopecia progresses on the head. The width of this area reaches 0.3-1 cm. The roots look dry and dystrophic.
  2. Stationary (subacute). Inflammation is absent or becomes insignificant. The skin in the places of alopecia is pale, the zones of "shattered" hair disappear.
  3. Regressive. Alopecia areata recedes. In the affected areas appear hairless hair. Gradually they thicken and get normal pigmentation.
  4. Alopecia areata - treatment

    Until a common and effective regimen for the treatment of the presented disease has not been developed. Alopecia areata treatment involves individual and complex treatment. Most doctors admit that in the fight against focal alopecia they act at random and often prefer waiting-for-tact tactics. In many situations, pathology regresses independently, but the risk of recurrence is always high.

    Alopecia areata - clinical recommendations

    Therapy begins with psychological help to a person. It is important for the patient to explain the mechanisms of the development of the disease and the complexity of his individual treatment, the exact selection of medications and physiotherapy procedures. It is necessary to indicate the duration of therapy (at least 3 months) and the risk of recurrence of baldness after its termination. To stabilize the emotional state and increase self-esteem, it is possible to offer a person ways of masking the affected areas - wearing a wig, tattooing, hair transplantation.

    Basic methods, how to cure alopecia areata:

    1. Eliminate the cause of the problem. Stabilize the hormonal background, stop inflammation, normalize the functioning of the circulatory system.
    2. Correct the diet. It is important to follow the recommendations for healthy eating.
    3. Get rid of bad habits. It is advisable to refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.
    4. Properly organize the regime of the day, work and leisure. The patient should fully sleep, exercise.
    5. Use physiotherapy. In the treatment of focal alopecia, ion and phonophoresis, darsonvalization , microcurrents, cryomassage and paraffin applications are used. Laser and ultraviolet, ozone and mesotherapy are effective.
    6. To take or apply external pharmacological drugs. Additionally, vitamins and phyto-drugs are prescribed.

    Alopecia areata

    The most effective way to treat nidous baldness is the course use of corticosteroid hormones, which suppress the inadequate response of the immune system. Such medications are used in the form of injectable solutions, tablets and ointments. Their individual selection, calculation of dosage and duration of therapy is only handled by a specialist, especially if focal alopecia is diagnosed. Corticosteroids produce a pronounced but short-lived and unstable effect.

    An integrated treatment regimen may include the following drug groups depending on the diagnosed diseases:

The list of basic medicines includes such pharmacological agents:

  1. Nootropics. Activate the metabolism - Piracetam, Phenibut.
  2. Direct neuroprotectors and antihypoxants. Improve the nutrition of tissues - Solcoseryl, Actovegin.
  3. Anticoagulants. Prevent the formation of thrombi in small vessels and stimulate the processes of cell regeneration - Verapamil, Heparin.
  4. Contact allergens. Locally irritate the immune system - dibutyl ester of ferric acid, Diphenylcyclopropenone.

Often the regimen includes vasodilating antihypertensive drugs. Generolon in focal alopecia and any other analogues of Minoxidil are safe even with prolonged use, but produce a weak effect. Such medications are effective for the treatment of androgenic form of the disease. With nest hair loss they help, only if the loss of hair is negligible.

Vitamins in focal alopecia

These chemical compounds are ancillary therapy. The intake of vitamins is not considered an effective method, how to treat alopecia areata, but it helps improve the metabolism and nutrition of tissues. Trichologists appoint the following complexes:

Alopecia areata - treatment with folk remedies

All recipes of alternative medicine are irritating drugs. Treatment of focal alopecia with folk remedies stimulates hair follicles and slightly promotes the activation of follicles, but they must be combined with conservative therapy. The simplest options - rub in the affected areas of alcohol tincture of red pepper , mush of raw chopped onions, and other similar means.

Recipe for therapeutic lotion

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Boil vegetable raw materials in water for half an hour.
  2. Insist and cool the liquid (1 hour).
  3. Add the vinegar, mix well.
  4. Rub the lotion before going to bed every day for 2 months.