Sign of the zodiac Sagittarius - compatibility

Sagittarius rectilinear, for some signs that meet them on their life path, even too much. Often, close people take offense at Streltsy for "truth-womb", because any other in such a situation would simply keep silent.

They can be called anything, but not liars. They do not know what they want, but they know exactly what they do not want. These are they all. And those who are hooked on these charming and unbridled creatures, we have to rely on the advice of astrologers on the compatibility of signs of the zodiac with Sagittarius.

Man Sagittarius

If they were married, they could "agree" on marriage for six months, they would have done so. The man of Sagittarius seems to have the perfect compatibility in love , with every passing girl. And the worst thing is that any woman, having met his loving look, really feels like his only, second half.

He is charming, romantic and even sentimental. Sagittarians know how to take care of, but when they reach the bed, they can turn out to be tyrants. If the partner did something wrong, she will face a storm of resentment. He spent time on it, but did not get what he hoped for!

Woman Sagittarius

Women Sagittarius are always noticeable in the crowd. They may not be beautiful, but they always look bright and tasteful. The mass of jewelry, catchy colors - they all know how to combine.

The woman Sagittarius has difficulties with compatibility in love, because she does not have what most men seek - sensitivity, characteristic of the weaker sex. With a man they are used to talking on equal terms, which at first admires, and then, frightens men. They are frank and truthful - and who is pleased to listen to the truth?

With all this, they are emotional and romantic, and love is the highest. As a result, Sagittarius women receive a very rich personal life with a whole series of marriages.

Compatibility with other characters


The love compatibility of Sagittarius with Aries can be called ideal. They have a similar attitude to sex, rest and life style. They can only be prevented by the explosive nature of both, but the louder their quarrel, the more joyful is the reconciliation.


The pair Sagittarius - Taurus will have many problems, including financial ones. Sagittarius wants experiments, new sensations, and Taurus cares about home and family.


They will converge on the impulse of passion and will part friends. First all in all, there will be continuous fireworks, then there will be wrangling, because Sagittarians are frank, and Gemini likes to play with words.


Sagittarius will be flattered by the sensuality of Cancer, but together they will not be fated. Cancer craves stability and peace, and this is not possible to provide the Sagittarius, and he will not endure the vagaries of Cancer.

a lion

This sign of the zodiac is also perfectly compatible with Sagittarius. Both are freedom-lovers, will not deplete each other with bouts of jealousy and feelings of property. They will enjoy every aspect of relationships - sex, communication, joint recreation.


Virgo and Sagittarius can not have anything in common. Virgo expresses her love with grumbling, and Sagittarius will never understand. The pedantry of the Virgin, the love of order in everything will irritate Sagittarius.


The Union will keep on the diplomatic character of Libra. They will even be able to reduce the ardor of Sagittarius, make them more homely. The pranks of Sagittarius will be perceived Libra is tolerant, and all problems will be skillfully solved.


A complex alliance between Scorpio and Sagittarius. The first one will try to cut off the second wings, and the Sagittarius will catch on and out.

Sagittarius + Sagittarius

At first it seems that this is the best combination for Sagittarius. They will be brought together by common interests, outlooks on life and relationships, but soon they will realize that they are more of a friend than a loving couple.


Incompatible pair. Their goals are similar, but the means of achievement are too different. Capricorns are conservative and cautious, and Sagittarius is too expansive partner for sensitive Capricorn.


This union has great prospects. Aquarians are innovators, and Sagittarians adore experiments. Surprises and innovations will reign in all spheres of life of such a couple, and eventually, they will become inseparable and on a spiritual level.


The Pisces and Sagittarius have a mutual attraction, but both renounce such relations. Sagittarius scares shyness, fragility of Pisces, and Pisces want a lover for life, which can not be promised by the unstable Sagittarius.