Fortune-telling and Christmas for the future

Since ancient times, people considered the Christmas season a period when one year ends, and the other, on the contrary, begins. Among the people spread the information that it is on this day that the boundaries between the world of people and the dead are blurred, therefore all rituals and fortune-telling will be as true as possible. There are various interesting fortune-telling fortunes that relate to different spheres, for example, love, work, etc. The best time to turn to magic is Christmas night, as well as Vasiliev's day on January 13.

Fortune-telling and Christmas for the future

There are fortune-telling, which need to be done only in isolation , but there are options that are suitable for the whole company. For predictions, you may need additional magical items, but they are in most cases available and have every home.

  1. The most truthful guessing on the Christmas day on the bulbs . To perform this ritual, you must prepare three different bulbs: perfectly flat, consisting of two halves and sprouted. After that, the onion is laid out in boots, and then, you need to randomly choose one shoe option and look at the result. If you drop a good vegetable, then life in a marriage will be happy and calm. The choice fell on a double bulb, so fate is destined for two marriages. When a sprouted bulb was chosen, it means that under the crown it is necessary to go, being in position.
  2. Divination at Christmas and Christmas holidays on the maps . If you want to find out about what will be tutored, you can conduct a rite with the use of four kings. Put these cards under the pillow before going to sleep, saying these words:
  3. "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, then dream to me in a dream."
  4. If a peak king was seen in a dream, then the chosen one will be old enough and jealous. The worm king portends a young and rich husband, and a crusader promises a military or business partner. The dream of the king of diamonds prophesies the receipt of the coveted man.
  5. An interesting fortune-telling for Christmas and Christmas holidays with threads . To begin this divination is exactly at midnight on Christmas Day. Prepare two strands of wool, the length of which should be 15-20 cm. They need to be tied together, and then, twisted into a pigtail. Take a deep bowl, pour water in there and lower the pigtail. To interpret the divination is necessary, given the behavior of the thread. If they began to unwind - this is a good sign, which promises happiness in the coming year. The thread went to the bottom - it is a signal that a lot of minor troubles will arise during the year. If nothing happens, then you should not expect significant changes.
  6. Guessing of Christmas Eve for the future . For predictions you need not only an egg, but also pure water and best of all, if it is a spring water. Liquid pour into a glass, but do not reach the edge. Separate the protein from the yolk and dip it into the water. Put the vessel in a cold oven and after a few minutes increase the temperature, but not too sharply, as the glass will burst. Wait until the protein is completely curled, and in its appearance predictions are made for the future. In this case, of course, you will need to show your imagination and hold associations. If it turned out, something like a ring is a symbol of the nearest marriage. In the event that the protein is similar to a ship, it means that we should expect serious changes in the life, for example, marriage or change of residence. If the figure has a square or rectangular shape - it is a harbinger of the disease. When the protein completely settles to the bottom, it means that the next year will be filled with various troubles and the guessing will be lonely.
  7. Guessing on love for Christmas-tiara with a ring . Use this divination is for girls who want to learn about how their family life will develop. It is necessary to take a regular glass, pour water into it and lower the ring. In the evening go to the street (balcony) and leave a glass there until the morning. After that, look at how the water froze. If the surface is uneven and there are hillocks, then life in a marriage will be difficult. Smooth surface promises happiness and harmony .