Signs of diabetes

To date, the simplest, but at the same time, effective advice of doctors is the periodic monitoring of blood sugar.

Every inhabitant of the planet over the age of 45 is more at risk of disease, so it is recommended to take a blood test without waiting for signs of external signs of diabetes. Signs of latent diabetes are easier to recognize if you know that you have a hereditary predisposition, that is, mom, dad, grandmother and other close relatives once had diabetes.

Signs of diabetes mellitus

So it is important to prevent the moment when the disease already exists, but you do not know about it! Therefore, the main signs of diabetes are long established by doctors.

These include:

More often than not, when people do not know which first signs of diabetes mellitus, itching on some parts of the body surface, they turn to dermatologists or seek help not from those doctors who need it. For example, signs of diabetes in women can be manifested by frequent vaginal infections and gynecologists in their treatment will be powerless. And in fact, these are manifested signs of diabetes, and first of all, at the very beginning of treatment you need to take tests and exclude diabetes.

Symptoms of the disease in children and adolescents

The incidence of diabetes in children increases year by year. Children and adolescents usually have type I diabetes mellitus, in which, from the very outset of the disease, a person requires insulin replacement therapy. Therefore, the signs of type 1 diabetes are very violent. All of these together can occur within a few days. As a rule, the development of ketoacidosis also joins the aforementioned signs of diabetes. This is the result of insulin deficiency, in which ketone bodies accumulate and there is a very real threat of the development of diabetic coma. It is very important if the child makes such complaints, which are signs of diabetes, pay attention to it, take tests and make an appointment with a doctor in the appropriate institution. The measurement of blood sugar and sugar in the urine will easily and accurately help determine whether these are signs of a diabetes mellitus or simply a general malaise and another disease.

Indicators of sugar in diabetes

Sometimes the signs of diabetes also appear with pre-diabetes. This is an official definition of a condition in which there are violations of carbohydrate metabolism, but not to such a strong extent that it could be called diabetes mellitus. After testing the sugars, you will accurately see the so-called violation of glucose tolerance - the sugar in the blood will be higher than indicated by the norm. For example, the readings above 5.6, but below 6.5 blood sugar and the absence of other signs of diabetes, that a person has impaired glucose tolerance, but there is no diabetes mellitus. Explicit diabetes mellitus is diagnosed when blood sugar is greater than 7 mmol / l.

New technologies for determining the disease with diabetes make it possible to use such an indicator as glycated hemoglobin. It binds in the blood with glucose, and the higher the glucose level in the blood, the greater the percentage of hemoglobin bound to glucose. On such indicators it is possible to determine blood sugar in almost 3 previous months. This is very convenient, because earlier the determination was made only on an empty stomach, and in this case you can come at any time and see your indicators.