Dry gangrene

Dry gangrene develops more often with prolonged circulatory disturbances, usually associated with vascular disease, and also as a result of thermal, radiation and chemical effects on various parts of the body and internal organs (in most cases, limbs are affected).

With this form of necrosis of living cells there is no progression of infectious processes, drying, mummification of tissues due to lack of oxygen, fluid and nutrients. Unlike wet, dry gangrene is not accompanied by a general poisoning with toxic substances, does not apply to healthy areas.

Symptoms of dry gangrene

With dry gangrene of open areas of the body, the following signs are gradually observed:

The general condition of the patient remains satisfactory, only sometimes general weakness, fatigue can be noted. With the progression of the necrosis process, self-rejection of dead tissue occurs (self-amputation). If an infection is attached, gangrene can go into a wet form with the development of putrefactive processes.

Treatment of dry gangrene without amputation

Gangrene in all cases is an indication for hospitalization and comprehensive treatment. When the stage is not started, it is possible to do without amputation of the affected tissues with the use of the following treatment measures:

The affected area should be kept in sterile conditions, with the imposition of moist dressings and the use of ointments severely it is contraindicated. With dry gangrene of internal organs without their surgical removal can not do.

How to treat dry gangrene at home?

In view of the danger of the disease, in no case can you treat dry gangrene yourself, using folk remedies. At the initial stages with the permission of the doctor it is permissible only to supplement the basic treatment with folk recipes aimed at normalizing the blood circulation in the affected areas and increasing the overall resistance of the organism.