Lymphadenitis - treatment

Lymphadenitis is a disease familiar to many. This is an inflammation of the lymph nodes. Both adults and children are subject to this disease. Although lymphadenitis and can have serious negative consequences, with timely treatment, it passes almost imperceptibly. Below we will tell you about the most effective methods of treatment of lymphadenitis.

Features of the disease and treatment for lymphadenitis

Lymphadenitis can be caused by infection or non-infectious diseases. To prevent unpleasant consequences of the disease, at the first suspicions it is recommended to consult a doctor. The main signs of lymphadenitis include the following:

  1. The increase and pain in the lymph nodes is the first sign of lymphadenitis.
  2. Headache against the background of enlarged lymph nodes - most likely, it is lymphadenitis, and treatment should be started as soon as possible.
  3. A sudden sudden rise in temperature may also indicate lymphadenitis.
  4. Rashes and itching - sometimes they are also signs of inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Most often, lymphadenitis is treated with antibiotics, which are prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication is not strongly recommended, otherwise the disease can only be started and aggravated by its consequences.

Treatment of lymphadenitis with antibiotics

This is the most common and effective way of treating lymphadenitis (especially infectious). If a diagnosis of lymphadenitis is made, treatment of the disease can be prescribed only after determining the cause of the disease. Depending on this, the complex of medicines may also change.

The essence of the treatment of lymphadenitis is in removing the cause of inflammation, and at the same time, inflammation itself. And if the cause of inflammation can be eliminated only medicamentously, the inflammation itself is often removed with the help of local treatment: compresses, sprays, ointments.

The most well-known and effective antibiotics for the treatment of lymphadenitis are:

Take them strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Still, do not forget that all of the above drugs - strong antibiotics and drink them uncontrolled at will.

Acute and purulent lymphadenitis - features and treatment

Acute and purulent lymphadenitis are complex forms of the disease. Acute lymphadenitis is accompanied by inflammation of the lymphatic vessels. Timely detected acute lymphadenitis can be treated according to the standard scheme. But if the eye is closed for a certain time, it can develop into a purulent form. Then without a surgical intervention, it will be difficult to be cured.

When treating this purulent lymphadenitis, you first need to open the inflammation and remove all pus gently. The subsequent treatment is the same as for ordinary purulent wounds.

Treatment of lymphadenitis with folk remedies

Of course, folk medicine has many methods of treating lymphadenitis, and they are all quite effective. But still it is not recommended to trust them completely. But as a supplement to the main drug treatment folk remedies will be just the way.

The most effective help is to cure lymphadenitis at home in aloe:

  1. Decoction on the leaves of this plant must be mixed with walnuts and honey.
  2. Drink the product three times a day, one tablespoon before eating.

Lymph nodes on the neck can be reduced with the help of compresses on the purifier:

  1. Gauze is impregnated with spirit tincture of celandine.
  2. At night, it is applied to the neck.
  3. Compress necessarily need to wrap something warm.

Useful for lymphadenitis and echinacea . It is suitable for internal reception, and for compresses.