Signs on the Apple Savior

Celebrating the Apple Feast Day is August 19, and is an amazing event. The Apple Spas is celebrated on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. A lot of admissions and superstitions are connected with this holiday, we suggest you familiarize yourself with them.

Folk features on the Apple Spas

  1. If the Apple Savior treat the beggar with his harvest, next year you will live in prosperity. In Ancient Russia this was a rule that no one changed.
  2. Before the Apple Savior, from the time of Easter, women can not eat apples.
  3. If you do not collect cereals before the Savior, these stocks will rot. This sign is connected with the rainy season.
  4. In the Apple Salvation the summer departs from us. During this period, the harvest is harvested and the "garden" work continues, although the summer is almost over.
  5. What will the weather be like in the Apple Savior? Such will be January. If the Second Savior turned out to be rainy, the winter will be snowy.

In addition to the signs, we would like to talk about the rituals of the Apple Savior. They are very common and will not bring harm.

Rituals for the Apple Savior

  1. Ritual for financial well-being . On August 19, pick off three lime twigs and put them into the water. For nine days before noon, take these twigs and go around all the rooms in the house. Beat them in the corners, saying at the same time: "Money to money, lost by money will return, there will be lost. Purses to purses, and money to money. Key, lock, tongue. Amen . " After nine days, dry the twigs and take care of them until the next Apple Savior.
  2. Conspiracy to love . On the day of the Apple Savior, take a beautiful large apple and three nettle leaves. Cut the apple into two parts, remove the core and put the nettle there. Connect the halves. After that, read the following words: "My love, fly to me like a burning nettle, passionate, for a loved one and I'm beautiful. For the benefit of me and others, so be it . " Hide the apple, and after it has dried, bury it in the ground near the house where your beloved lives.
  3. Rejuvenating rite on the Apple Savior . It should be conducted on August 19 after sunset. We need to take the most beautiful and large apple and whisper the next conspiracy three times: "On a clear day and in bad weather, the cradle of nature, an apple charm, youth to me bewitch." After reading the plot, eat an apple. This ritual must be repeated for twelve days. People who used this conspiracy note that pleasant changes in appearance and physical condition become noticeable within a week.
  4. Rite of house cleaning . With the help of this rite, you can clean your home of absolutely any negative energy. On the Feast of the Apple Savior, you need to take a good apple. Cut it into two parts and with one get the core. Light a white candle from natural wax, go around your entire home. Be sure to stop near each corner, door and window openings. At the same time, make a circular motion clockwise with a candle three times. That wax, which will drain from a burning candle, must be collected in the half of the apple, from which you previously removed the core. After you go around the apartment, connect the halves of the apple and tie it with threads. After completing the ritual, take the apple to the street and bury it away from your home.

Wedding in the Apple Spas

Wedding on the Apple Spas - a good sign. In Russia, August 19 was considered the "opening" of the wedding season, began to play weddings. The registration of marriage in this bright holiday promises a happy and long marital life. This holiday symbolizes fertility, harvesting, so August 19 is considered a good date for marriage. By the way, the green apple symbolizes the beginning of a new, family life and is a symbol of loyalty and happiness .