36 week of pregnancy - what happens?

Starting from the 36th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother is already in anticipation of a very early meeting with her newborn son or daughter. Most of the women have already decided on a doctor and a medical institution where the birth will take place, prepared the necessary things for the trip to the hospital. Many have already bought the most necessary for the baby - clothes, a crib, a stroller and various necessary adaptations. For those who, for a variety of reasons, do not want to buy a dowry for crumbs before their birth, now is the time to at least decide on what you need to buy before your mother leaves with the baby from the hospital.

In this article, we will tell you what happens in the body of a woman at 36 weeks gestation, how the fetus develops, and what the future mother can feel.

Sensations of a pregnant woman at week 36

The weight gain by the 36th week of pregnancy should be about 12 kg. Do not worry, if you scored a little more, perhaps you just have a large fruit.

Often, future moms note that the baby beats his legs right under their heart. If this feeling does not last long, you do not need to worry. Most likely, in the near future the baby's head will fall into the pelvis, and these unpleasant tremors will disappear. Meanwhile, some women, especially those who are miscarriages, can not get rid of such feelings until the very birth.

The baby is already big enough, it is already difficult for him to turn in the uterus. Fetal movements at 36 weeks of gestation are quite rare, but you must feel them. If you have not felt your child for a long time, be sure to see a doctor.

In addition, many expectant mothers begin to suffer from intolerable pain in the pelvic area associated with stretching bones. The uterus of huge sizes presses on all organs with increasing force, and you can experience constant urge to go to the toilet.

At the 36th week of pregnancy, some women feel the tone of the uterus and other harbingers of rapid delivery. At the same time, it seems to the expectant mother that her stomach is stony. If such a condition lasts only a small amount of time and is not accompanied by other symptoms, it is more likely just to lie down to rest. If, at the same time, you feel pain in the lower back and in the lower abdomen, immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Probably, you are threatened with premature birth and need to be under the supervision of doctors.

Fetal development at 36 weeks gestation

Your future son or daughter, by and large, is already ready for his birth. All of its systems and organs, as well as skin and subcutaneous tissue, are fully formed. Meanwhile, childbirth at this time is still premature, because the endocrine, immune and, especially, nervous system of the baby needs to adjust its work.

The weight of the child at the gestation period of 36 weeks is about 2.5 kg, and its growth is about 47 cm. Externally, it already resembles a newborn baby. After the appearance of the baby, the bones of his head again diverge. A little later the fontanelles will become overgrown, and the bones of the skull will harden.

In most cases, the fetus by the 36th week of pregnancy already occupies the right position - head down, to the birth canal. However, in about 4% of cases, the crumb can take an unnatural position and turn a booty. In this case, the expectant mother must be placed in the hospital to decide the issue of conducting a caesarean section operation. Meanwhile, in a number of cases, even with pelvic presentation of the fetus, the birth takes place naturally.