Sofa Sofa

If you own a small apartment , so you can afford a large soft sofa and a bed, and you can not equip a lange-zone, the sofa sofa will be an excellent solution to the problem. This piece of furniture is compact and concise in design, and therefore absolutely indispensable in a cramped situation. Therefore, it is perfect for any room, whether it's a bedroom, a nursery or even a living room.

We equip apartment

So, you have an addition in the family, you need to equip the children's rooms with, but there is not enough room. Yes, and put in the children's soft furniture is inexpedient - it takes up too much space, and for the children's games it is better to leave more space. Here, where the child's sofa sofa helps out. And the sofa will not need to be changed for a long time, until your child completely out of it "grows up."

An excellent option for a small apartment will be a sofa-sofa, which in itself is also a couch. This is a great bed, and a sofa on which you can sit, hiding the bed inside the lid of the trunk.

Indeed, a sofa-sofa is a great thing that will replace the bed in case you have a one-room apartment, but you do not want to clutter it up. Many sofas of this type have such a mechanism of transformation into a sleeping place that it can fit two people. For example, some are laid out for example the euro-book - the seat is pushed forward, and then the lid is laid on it. Many models are designed so that they can move apart in the right side and in the left.

And most importantly, what often excites most buyers - the cost of sofa-sofa is always democratic. But with upholstery made of jacquard, flock, shenille, furniture will look expensive and worthy. A sofa-sofa, equipped with drawers, will also free up a lot of space. After all, it will be possible to remove a lot of things, so you do not need to clutter up space with extra cabinets.