Vodka with salt

Vodka in folk medicine occupies a special place. Alcohol is an indispensable component in the manufacture of many medicinal compounds for indoor and outdoor use. Perhaps the most popular combination in popular recipes is vodka with salt. We offer several options for using this combination in the treatment of certain diseases.

Vodka with salt for diarrhea

Probably, it is impossible to find a person who does not know that vodka with salt helps to get rid of diarrhea . But not everyone knows about the correct ratio of the two components in the solution. In order for the effect of the composition on the body to be most effective, 1/3 of a teaspoon of salt should be mixed with 80 g of vodka. By the way, this remedy reduces pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

Vodka with salt for poisoning

Vodka with salt is an excellent healing remedy with prolonged vomiting, resulting from poisoning. In 50 - 60 grams of vodka you need to pour a third of a teaspoon of salt, stir and drink. It is believed that the best result can be achieved if after 15 minutes after taking vodka with salt, drink half a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (or eat an orange).

Vodka with salt from colds

For colds, a combination of vodka (100 g) and salt (1/3 of a teaspoonful) is also used, but for a better effect it is recommended to add a half-spoonful of black pepper. It is advisable after taking this medication for 2-3 minutes not to eat and drink to achieve the best result in healing.

Compress - vodka with salt

Helps get rid of the horniness of the skin on the heels of a vodka compress with salt. Preliminarily for the legs is a bath in which a tablespoon of salt dissolves in 1 liter of warm water. After 8 - 10 minutes, the feet are carefully wiped (but not rinsed!) And wrapped with a soft cotton cloth, richly moistened with vodka. On top of each leg put on a plastic bag, and then - tight socks. The water-salt compress is left for the whole night.

Vodka with salt from toothache

To get rid of toothache, you can try using a folk recipe. The toothbrush is kept in a solution of salt in vodka for 5 minutes. Then brush your teeth and gums with this brush. The procedure is repeated several times a day to relieve the inflammatory process.

Attention! It is inadmissible to treat salt with vodka for children and adolescents (except for external use). It is better to refrain from using the drug for pregnant women and people with chronic diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys.