Plots under the New Year for money

January holidays have a special energy of a new period and renewal. That is why it is believed that divination and magical rituals are the most effective and effective. Plots for the Old New Year for money are no different from the rituals held for the New Year or Christmas. It is believed that any rite these days will act with redoubled force.

A simple conspiracy for the old New Year for wealth

If you want to ensure your stability in the material sphere for the whole next year, then be sure to spend this simple rite. It is necessary to start it early in the morning and best at dawn. Take with you a container of unpainted metal and go for water, which you need to take in the spring or well. If these options are not suitable, then go to church, where you can take holy water. Having come home, it is necessary to cross the water, read such a magical plot on the old New Year:

"I will rise, servant of God (name), early in the morning, I will bless all of God's creation, all the earth and sky, all air and water, all the stars, the sun and the early month. I will bless the Lord new and all the days to come, I will pray to God one, I will ask the Lord. My God, the creator of all things visible and invisible, the creator of time and all things, bless you the year beginning, the year that we consider from your incarnation for the salvation of mankind. Allow me, God, to spend this year to me and my family in peace and harmony, strengthen you one Holy Church on earth, the one that He Himself bestowed on us and sanctified. Give to the family of my peace and long life, health, abundance of the fruits of the earth, the air of pure, save Your servant (the name) of the sinner, protect, protect from evil, point the way as the True Shepherd. Grant, Lord. To this house prosperity and prosperity, gold, silver, daily bread, let your peace. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is important to repeat the conspiracy at least 12 times. After that, moisten your hand in the water and cross yourself, and then, go through all the corners of your house and sprinkle them with a curious liquid. You can also sprinkle and on the walls, which will only strengthen the action of the rite . Pour the remaining water under the threshold of your house.

A plot to attract wealth to the old New Year

This is probably the simplest ritual, since you do not need to have any additional items. Just link the little fingers and repeat the next plot as many times as it turned full years:

"Gold, gold, pour on me like peas in a granary, like barley grains on the threshing floor, like rye in the current. Gold, gold, stick to my hands, like flies to honey, butterflies to light, grass to the sun. Gold, gold, pour into my pockets without an account, without measure handfuls and handfuls. Gold, gold, friends with me, like ice with water, a nightingale with spring, dew with grass. I'm not a merchant-morgash, I'm a merchant-fellow: I sell with honor, I hang it with excess, I measure it with powder, I cut it with a surplus, I pour with the remainder. Be in my barn a treasure trove, without ruin, without burning up all the days and years of my burnout. "

After that, you need to make a guard, for which you take a small piece of paper and write on it in a column: warehouse, treasure, fret, hell, etc. All words must be aligned with the last letter "D", that is, it must be in the first and last line on the same level. The written text must be taken in a red box. Next, fold a sheet of paper four times and sew it into a flap of red cloth. Always take your wardrobe with you and from time to time read on it the conspiracy discussed above.

Conspiracy for well-being in the Old New Year

There are situations when a person notices that the money from the wallet is irretrievably disappearing. In this case, a simple ritual will help to change the situation. To start, you need to put in the wallet order. For example, banknotes should lie directed one way in ascending order. Coins must be placed in the compartment intended for them only. You can not store unnecessary things in your wallet, for example, old checks, etc. After the purse is in order, look into it and read such a plot:

"Like stars in the sky, like ears of corn in the field, like water in the sea, so in my wallet there is a lot of money and does not decrease. Amen. Amen. Amen".