Scottish breed of cats

Lop-eared and pryamouhie Scottish cats - are loved in many countries. Pets with curled ears are especially popular.

Scottish cats: description of the breed

The animal has a proportional body of medium size: the chest, and the shoulders are muscular, the skeleton is massive, the paws and tail are of medium length. The head has a rounded shape, the nose is slightly flattened, the eyes are large, their color is from yellow-green to amber. The coat is relatively short, but soft and pleasant to the touch.

It is noteworthy that the color of the wool can be the most diverse: monochromatic white, blue, black, gray, marble, striped and even tortoiseshell. Comb out the hair several times a week. Water procedures for Scots are not terrible. The breed of Scottish Fold cats needs a thorough cleaning of the ears.

Scottish fold (lop-eared) and scotish-straight (pryamouhie) are similar in appearance and in character. Visually the difference lies in the ears curl. Note that you only need to cross folds with the straights, otherwise kittens can have serious skeletal disorders: deformation of the vertebrae, joints. Kittens are born with normal ears, they begin to wrap up after 3-4 weeks after birth.

Scottish breed of cats: character and training

Such a pet will quickly get used to the situation in the house and to the owners. Usually this cat is not whimsical and does not need constant attention. He can turn it on himself through an unusual raspy sound, not quite like a purr. In conflicts with other animals, they behave quite aristocratically. Scotsman can rarely be seen hissing, cringing, aggressive. On the contrary, experts note the friendliness of pryamouhis and lop-eared pets - there are practically no problems with other cats, dogs and other pets.

Due to the specific structure of the vestibular apparatus, the folds are afraid of height, so they are not so active and playful, but they are also difficult to call calm. These breeds are easy to train especially at an early age. The animal should not be screamed, in this case this method of education is useless. Do not carry it over the scruff. It can injure their spine, in addition, they will feel pain. Be patient!

The peculiarity of the Scottish breed of cats is that they are designed exclusively for the home way of life. Physical loads should be moderate: several devices for gymnastics and a couple of toys - this is enough for the normal well-being of animals. In food, such cats can be whimsical.