Belt "Vulcan" for weight loss

Lots of people dream of losing weight, but it can only be the most persistent and strong-willed. And how it can be insulting, even if, after gaining the right weight, the waist and abdomen continue to be far from ideal. To help in this case will come the belt for weight loss "Vulcan", which will relieve the abdomen and fat deposits around the waist.

How to use the belt for weight loss "Volcano"?

Belt for weight loss "Vulcan" is made of 3 different materials, each of which in the finished product performs individual functions. The thermosel layer closest to the skin warms the tissues and massages the problem areas. The middle neoprene layer creates a thermal effect and keeps the body warm, allowing, however, the skin to breathe. The outer nylon layer prevents the penetration of cool air from the outside and ensures the beauty and strength of the product.

The effectiveness of the Vulcan belt is based on the fact that all its three layers work together. As a result, microcirculation improves in the tissues, acceleration of the processes of splitting fatty deposits, saturation of the skin with nutrients. In addition, an additional bonus of the "Vulcan" belt is an analgesic effect with radiculitis, pain in the back and lower back. And during the sport, the belt "Vulcan" creates the effect of the corset, supporting the back and protecting from injuries.

Manufacturers of the slimming belt "Vulcan" recommend using it for 10-12 hours a day. They advise wearing a belt before practicing sports, walking, active housework, etc. However, doctors warn against such a long warming up of internal organs and do not advise wearing a belt "Vulcan" for longer than 2-3 hours. If you need to lose weight urgently, you can wear a belt for losing weight several times a day, but with interruptions of 1-2 hours.

Among the contraindications to wearing the belt for weight loss "Vulcan":

Belt for weight loss "Vulkan" is available in 2 sizes: classic - 110 cm, standard - 100 cm. To long-serving the product, you need to look after it: wash the belt with your hands at a temperature of 40 degrees, you do not need to iron it.

How to strengthen the action of the belt "Woodcane"?

To strengthen the action of the belt for weight loss "Vulcan", on the skin under it you can apply a variety of products, tonic, nourishing and tightening the skin, accelerating the burning of fat . These can be ready-made anti-cellulite creams or home-made mixtures. Before applying them, it is recommended to take a bath of warm sea salt so that valuable ingredients penetrate the cells better. After applying the product, it is necessary to cover the skin with food film, so as not to stain the belt.

One of the best means for slimming and tightening the skin is honey. It can be applied in pure form or mixed with essential oils (rosemary, orange, lemon), milk, mustard powder, caffeine (1-2 ampoules). If the mixture will be strongly burned - it needs to be washed off, because Instead of a beautiful and supple skin, you can get a burn or severe irritation.

Perfectly accelerates the breakdown of subcutaneous fat with ground coffee. It can also be applied in a pure form or mixed with clay, algae, essential oils (citrus).

Get rid of not only the subcutaneous fat layer, but also from stretch marks, clay will help. It is best to take white (kaolin) or blue clay for the procedure. In a mixture of clay and water, it is also possible to add essential or basic (best of all - olive) oils.

To effectively reduce the fat layer and get rid of sagging skin, you can use laminaria. This seaweed is widely used in cosmetology precisely with the goal of getting rid of excess weight .