Sulfacil sodium in the nose

Drops of Sulfacil sodium, they are also Albucid, are sometimes prescribed by doctors in the nose, despite the fact that they are eye drops.

They have a pronounced antibacterial effect, which, in addition to killing bacteria, removes inflammation.

In ophthalmology, they are designed to treat purulent ulcers, blepharitis , conjunctivitis, blenergy and other diseases that are caused by streptococci, pneumococci and gonococci. Since this medication is intended for the delicate tissue of the eye, it is natural to damage the nasal mucosa, and it is not possible for physicians to prescribe it for the treatment of a common cold caused by bacteria sensitive to the main active substance.

Sulfacil Sodium in the nose - instruction

Prescribing drops in the nose Sulfacil sodium must be confirmed by the doctor to avoid incorrect treatment and complications.

Sulfacil sodium - indications for use

In the classical instruction it is indicated that these drops are applied to the eyes with inflammatory infectious lesions. When it comes to the use of Sulfacil sodium for the nose, here also the main indication is inflammation against a background of bacterial infection.

It is not easy to distinguish a viral rhinitis from a bacterial one from a bacterial one - sometimes a viral infection can be transformed into a bacterial infection with prolonged illness and weak immunity, and therefore it is not worthwhile believing that the onset of a viral disease is the guarantor of a bacterial absence.

In case of bacterial nose injury, the main symptom and indication for the use of Sulfacyl sodium is nasal congestion - a runny nose, swelling of the mucosa . With the virus, the discharge from the nose has a transparent color, and when a bacterial infection occurs, the mucus has a greenish and yellowish tinge. By the color of the discharge, one can accurately assume the nature of the infection.

Application of Sulfacil Sodium

Sulfacil sodium in the common cold is sometimes prescribed to young children, because they do not have a vasoconstricting effect, which is found in practically all modern drops for the treatment of the common cold - viral, allergic and bacterial etiology. Many believe that the vasoconstrictive effect significantly impairs health and is addictive, which is undesirable especially in childhood.

Another reason why a doctor can prescribe Sulfacil sodium for the nose is the cheapness of the medication. In modern pharmacology, a lot of drugs that have an unreasonably high price in the presence of inexpensive analogues. Pharmaceutical companies thus receive money for the promotion of the brand and the beautiful design of the package.

Physicians prescribe to drip into the nose Sulfacil sodium 20%. This is the ideal concentration to destroy bacteria and not harm the body.

It should also be noted that Sulfacil sodium after opening the vial is stored no longer than 7 days.

How many days should I drip Sulfacil sodium?

Duration of treatment of the common cold with Sulfacil sodium drops depends on the severity of the disease and the effect they have on recovery. In the classic example, Sulfacil sodium is applied 2 drops in each nostril 3 times a day for 7 days. It is advisable to clean and wash the nose with warm water before use.

But the duration of treatment should be prescribed by the doctor individually - if the drops are ineffective, replace them with another antibacterial agent with another active substance or prescribe prolongation of treatment with these drops.

Sulfacil sodium - contraindications

Sulfacyl sodium drops have a minimum of contraindications - individual intolerance of the drug, as well as the period of pregnancy and lactation. Some doctors believe that during the waiting period for the baby and breastfeeding, these drops can be used.