Subchondral sclerosis

Subchondral sclerosis is a degenerative lesion of the cartilages covering the internal surfaces of the joints, in which the normal functional tissue is replaced by a connective tissue that is unable to perform the required functions. At the same time, the bone tissue of the joints starts to thicken and grow, forming outgrowths.

This pathological process is not isolated as a separate disease, but is one of the manifestations of osteoarthritis of the joints and osteochondrosis of the spinal column. It does not develop immediately, but as the underlying disease progresses, if the causative factors are not eliminated, the treatment is incorrect. Subchondral sclerosis is more susceptible to older people, but lately it has been observed in young people.

Stages of subchondral sclerosis

The development of the disease is gradual:

  1. Initial subchondral sclerosis - the growth of bone tissue occurs only along the edges of the joint.
  2. Moderate subchondral sclerosis - on the x-ray image osteophytes are distinguished, the articulation gap is narrowed, and the articular part of the bone is characterized by a lighter color.
  3. Subchondral sclerosis of stage III - there is a significant narrowing of the joint gap, large bony growths, motor activity of the joint is significantly impaired.
  4. Subchondral sclerosis of the IV stage - osteophytes of a very large size, the articular surfaces of the bones are significantly deformed, the inability of the joint to fully extend and bend.

Subchondral sclerosis of the knee joint - what is it?

The knee joint is often afflicted with subchondal sclerosis, it is constantly subjected to high loads. The risk factors for the development of pathological processes in this joint are:

Pathology is revealed in patients with deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joints, manifested by such symptoms as pain during exercise and at rest, crunching at movements, difficulty knitting-extension of the knee. This leads to cracking, thinning of the cartilaginous tissue, loss of its strength and elasticity. A frequent consequence of subchondral sclerosis of the knee joint is the development of varus or valgus deformities of the legs.

Subchondral sclerosis of the spine - what is it?

Subchondral sclerosis of the terminal plates of vertebral vertebral bodies is more often noted in the cervical region, less often in the thoracic and lumbar spine. In this case, patients complain of chronic pain in the affected area, neurological complications (numbness of the limbs, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements , etc.), deformities of the spine are also possible.

The main danger of pathology of this localization is an increased risk of spontaneous compression fractures, which can occur even with minimal physical exertion. In the most neglected cases, partial or complete paralysis is noted.

Subchondral sclerosis of the hip joint

This localization of pathology almost always complicates the course of arthrosis of the hip joint. The main manifestations in this case are: chronic pain in the hip (in motion and at rest), limiting the amplitude of movements in the joint, development of lameness.

Subchondral sclerosis of the hip is fraught with an increased risk of fracture of the femoral neck and aseptic necrosis of its head. Therefore, if a pathological process is identified, immediate prevention of possible serious consequences should be undertaken. If treatment does not start on time, you can completely lose the function of the limb.