Spironolactone - analogues

The main danger of taking all diuretics is their ability to wash away vital vitamins of potassium and magnesium from the body. Spironolactone, being a powerful diuretic, avoids this problem. It not only reduces the acidity of urine, but also prevents the elimination of potassium, urea and magnesium ions. This fact should be paid special attention, trying to replace Spironolactone - medicinal analogs do not always have potassium and magnesium-saving properties.

Analogs and synonyms of the drug Spironolactone

The main active ingredient of the described diuretic is the chemical substance of the same name.

Direct analogs or synonyms of Spironolactone with the same composition and concentration of the active component are:

As a rule, Veroshpiron is used instead of the diuretic under consideration. It is a completely identical preparation.

Among the analogues of Spironolcaton, the following medicines should be noted:

These diuretics are very similar to the presented tool for the mechanism of action, biological digestibility, are very effective for the removal of excess fluid, correction of blood pressure, prolactin concentration in women and the general condition of the patient in the complex therapy of cardiovascular pathologies. But these drugs less protect the body from washing out ions and salts of potassium, magnesium, so it is desirable to take the original drug.

Which is better - Veroshpiron or Spironolactone?

Both considered medications are based on spironolactone, respectively, they have completely the same mechanism of work, indications, side effects and contraindications.

The difference between Veroshpiron and Spironolactone consists of 2 things:

  1. Manufacturer. Veroshpiron is produced in Hungary by the well-known company Gedeon Richter, while Spironolactone is produced in Germany by Salutas Pharma.
  2. Concentration of active substance. In Veroshpirona more variations - there are tablets with 25, 50 and 100 mg of the active ingredient. Spironoprolactone is sold only in 2 possible concentrations - 25 and 100 mg.

You can say that these drugs are the same, but in medical practice is often appointed Veroshpiron.