Herpes on the lips - causes and rapid treatment

Herpes on the lips - one of the most common varieties of the disease. Viruses that cause disease live in almost every organism, but immunity does not allow them to multiply. When the immune system crashes, so-called colds can pop out on the lips.

What kinds of herpes are there?

There are a lot of variants of the virus. In humans, only 8 of them can be found in the body. the studied "human" types of herpes look like this:

  1. I type is herpes simplex. In most cases, it becomes the cause of the appearance of bubbles on the skin of the lips.
  2. Herpes of type II. Because of him, as a rule, develop genital problems.
  3. Chicken pox virus. The cause of chicken pox and shingles.
  4. The Epstein-Barr virus. These microorganisms provoke the development of infectious mononucleosis.
  5. Cytomegalovirus.
  6. The VI, VII and VIII types have not been studied well enough, but it is believed that they can be implicated in the appearance of chronic fatigue syndrome and sometimes cause a sudden rash. Some scientists even believe that these herpesviruses are directly related to the development of schizophrenia.

Herpes on the lips - reasons

When the primary contact with a virus of the first type, the rash appears due to unpreparedness of the organism. The subsequent "meetings" proceed more restrainedly. If in this case there is violent symptomatology, you should conduct an examination of the immune system. It is unambiguous to say why herpes on the lips appears, it is difficult, but there are a number of factors that have a problem for the problem. Among them:

Herpes on the lip - what to do?

It is very important that removing herpes on the lips - external signs - it will not be possible to completely get rid of the problem. Viruses are built into the genetic apparatus of nerve cells, and therefore the disease will periodically manifest itself. In order to continue to not need the herpes on the lips treatment, it is advisable to avoid contact with virus carriers, to maintain the immune system, to abandon bad habits, to re-evaluate their diet.

How quickly to cure herpes on the lips?

The main thing is to recognize the problem in time and quickly start fighting with it. How for a day to cure herpes on the lip? Even before the appearance of the first bubbles, you should start taking Acyclovir or Gerpevir tablets or use the same drugs only in the form of an ointment. Take the funds you need 2 times a day. If all the instructions are followed, the problem of herpes on the lips of the treatment will quickly end.

Sometimes at the initial stage, the disease can not be eliminated, and the skin appears with vesicles. It is very important not to damage them, so as not to increase the infectiousness of the patient and prevent the penetration of a secondary infection. When the cold is covered with a crust - after self-opening of the vesicles - antiviral drugs are no longer needed. The main thing at this stage is to prevent cracking of the wound.

How to treat herpes on the inside of the lip?

As a rule, herpes on the lips occurs from the outside, but sometimes it happens that the wounds begin to form on the mucosa. With this problem, it is also recommended to take antiviral drugs - Zovirax, Famciclovir, Virollex and others. Paracetamol or Ibuprofen will help to remove soreness. There are also some features of how to treat herpes on the lips inside. To win a cold on the mucous will be able to rinse with analgesics - Chlorhexidine, Benzadamine. Lidocaine gel is also effective.

Ointment from herpes on the lips

Local remedies are very effective against the virus. The assortment of medicines is great, and it will be easy to find something suitable. Here's what to apply herpes on lips to specialists:

  1. Zovirax. One of the most popular medicines. Continue therapy with Zovirax need 5 to 6 days. Ointment is applied for a cold five times a day. If after the end of the course the herpes has not passed, the treatment can be extended for another 5 days.
  2. Fenistil. The remedy helps to remove the herpes, which appeared on the lips, for 4 days. It starts to act immediately after application.
  3. Tromantadine. One-percent ointment, which should be applied to the affected area immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms with a thin layer three times a day for 8-10 days.
  4. Panavir. It consists only of natural components and has almost no contraindications.
  5. Oxolin. Another effective cure for herpes on the lips. It is applied by day 3 to 4 times. At night, use Oxolin is not recommended.

Herpes pills on the lips

Those who think how to quickly get rid of herpes on the lip, you should see a list of such tablets:

  1. Acyclovir. Effective and affordable agent based on acyclovir with the addition of starch, calcium compounds, aerosil, galactose.
  2. Valtrex. Tablets of 500 mg. Drink them is recommended one piece twice a day for 10 days with primary contact and for 5-6 days with relapse. The medicine is well absorbed by the body.
  3. Famvir. The composition of these pills and Acyclovir is very similar, but unlike the latter, Famciclovir is the main active ingredient in Famvir. This is a new antiviral agent that is effective against all the strains of herpes studied today.

Folk remedies for herpes

In stock at alternative medicine too many prescriptions. To remove the itching, for example, you can apply ice cubes to the affected area, rub chamomile or lavender oil.

How to cure herpes on the lips - effective means:

  1. Efficiently operates a chicken egg, more precisely a film from the inside of the shell - it just needs to be glued to the site of the rash. Well-proven and sulfur. To herpes, you can apply a match head soaked in water, and the rashes will come off very quickly.
  2. Sulfur is sometimes replaced with camphor alcohol.

How to disguise herpes on the lip?

Under the law of meanness, the cold appears at the most inopportune moment, when it is not possible to cure quickly. One has to think about how to hide the herpes on the lip. It can be done with high-quality decorative cosmetics, but first the skin needs to be processed with an ice cube. After that, the lips should be soaked with sterile napkins with salicylic acid solution and then make up.