How to educate a girl?

A long-awaited miracle has come true, and a crumb appeared in your house. She is still very small and defenseless, but already a lady, and her voice can not be confused with any boy. At this very time, young parents first ask themselves the question: "How to properly educate a girl to grow out of her a real woman?" Let's try to answer this question and analyze all the features of the education of girls.

Raising a girl in the family

Psychologists give various recommendations to parents on the education of girls. Among them, there are several general rules, which are important to adhere to since the birth of the future woman.

  1. Beauty. At about 4 years, parents notice that their daughter is constantly turning in front of a mirror. For educational purposes, many start criticizing girls. Allegedly, and it is better, and more beautiful, and then it is not so, and it is not commercial. Remember - by criticizing you inspire a child with self-doubt, and for a girl of doubt in her own beauty this is a real tragedy that ends with a huge number of complexes.
  2. Contact with parents. Many mothers and fathers are convinced that a close relationship with them can lead to deformation of the child's personality. More common in recent years are such features of the education of girls in the family - the child can not sleep next to the mother, tk. it will change the sexual orientation, but about hugging the pope in general can not be! Fathers often do not pay attention to the desire of daughters to be closer to them, as this can lead to sexual attraction. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. Depriving a girl of parental love and affection can lead to far more sad consequences. Deprived of maternal love, the girl on the contrary will tend to gravitate towards women. How in this case to bring up the girl to the daddy? Remember that subconsciously a woman is looking for a life partner in the image and likeness of her father. Therefore, it is with the pope that the child should have a close friendship. In addition, the child will be sure to observe how the father treats the mother. In the future, the girl can adopt the model of the family in which she was brought up.
  3. From the cradle to the stove. The tradition of educating girls often boils down to the fact that the child is inspired, from infancy, by the thought of domestic duties. And sometimes on the shoulders of the child lie overwhelming tasks like cleaning the apartment, ironing, etc. Do not force the child to do your work. You deprive the girl of childhood, turning her into a resigned maid. The phrase "You are a girl, therefore should", can for a long time discourage the child from the desire to belong to the female sex.
  4. According to many parents, girls should be quiet and obedient. Who said that? Why should a girl obey her future husband? Is it not better to cultivate in it a sense of self-confidence, criticism and the ability to make independent decisions? The modern psychology of the education of girls is such that if they grow up quiet and uncomplaining, they will be deeply unhappy in their personal lives and will not be able to change it.
  5. Do not tell the girl a fairy tale that in the future the prince on a white horse is waiting for her. Otherwise, the whole meaning of her life can lead to the eternal search for that prince himself. That's why girls at an older age believe men who look nicely, but are not going to marry. And for the same reason, early, ill-considered marriages take place.

How to educate a girl without a father?

Many single mothers are wondering how to educate a girl without a father? Unlike boys, growing a future woman is much easier. If you follow a number of rules, then in the future the child will not have any problems:

How to educate a teenage girl?

This question, perhaps, is the most difficult for parents. One thing that the young charming woman does not say so will be taken hostile. Crowds of fans, mountains of cosmetics, women's magazines and discos to stop is almost impossible. The main thing is to be patient and remember how to raise a teenage girl:

And finally, the most important thing. Whatever the age of your daughter, try to become her friend and authority, to which you can level. Only close emotional relations with parents are a guarantee of the correct education of a true lady.