Immunoglobulin E is elevated

The functions of protection in the body performs immunity. This system distinguishes special types of blood proteins - immunoglobulins of various types. The cell type E protects the mucous membranes from penetration of substances to which hypersensitivity and allergic reaction may occur.

Why is immunoglobulin increased, and what does it mean?

The mechanism of hypersensitivity development is that when the body tissues come into contact with the stimuli in the submucosal layer, immunoglobulin E begins to accumulate locally. When sensitizing substances react with these protein cells, local inflammation develops as a result of intensive release of histamines and cytotoxic components. As a result, there are such symptoms as:

Thus, if immunoglobulin E is elevated, irritant substances enter the body and an allergic reaction, which is fraught with local inflammations, begins to develop.

What does increased immunoglobulin E in adults mean?

As a rule, after 12 years the concentration of the variant of the protein in question is not very important diagnostic value. In adults, immunoglobulin of class E is increased due to constant contact of the body with allergens in the external environment, and the reference (normal) values ​​of this indicator in the blood are from 20 to 100 IU / l. In such cases, even a strong hypersensitivity to any one kind of irritant ingredients does not lead to a significant increase in the concentration of protein immunity compounds. Total immunoglobulin E can be increased only if there is an allergy to a large list of histamines and its combination with bronchial asthma. In other situations, the results of laboratory tests allow diagnosing the disease only in half of adult patients.

It is worth noting that the increase in immunoglobulin E is caused by lesions of non-allergic nature, for example, helminthiasis. Worms parasitizing the internal organs destroy their mucous membranes. This provokes a reaction of the immune system, which consists in the intensification of the production of protein cells.

Also described syndrome can provoke the following diseases:

In addition, to establish an accurate diagnosis it is not enough to determine the concentration of immunoglobulins of type E. Additional blood tests are needed to identify specific antibodies to all kinds of stimuli (about 600).

The total immunoglobulin E and the causes of this phenomenon are greatly increased

Rarely in the results of laboratory studies an abnormally high value of the concentration of immune proteins is determined, from 2 to 50 thousand IU / l. Almost authentically it can be asserted that a person with such an analysis is ill with hyper-IgE-syndrome.

This disease belongs to genetic pathologies and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms: