The auricle hurts outside

After transferring various bacterial or viral infections, fungal lesions, mechanical injuries, the ear shell outside sometimes hurts a lot. This symptom can not be ignored, since it indicates the development of the inflammatory process, called in medicine otitis media. This disease is rapidly progressing and can spread to the inner ear, provoking a worsening of acuity and even deafness.

Why does the cartilage and the auricle hurt outside?

In addition to infections and injuries, the reasons for this clinical manifestation may be:

If the cartilage hurts on the outside of the ear shell when pressed, the perichondrite is likely to develop. This disease is even more dangerous than otitis, although it occurs with similar symptoms. It can lead to destruction and death of cartilaginous tissue with subsequent deformation of the ear.

Other pathologies that cause ear soreness:

Given the large number of possible causes of the problem, for differential diagnosis should consult a doctor.

Treatment of a condition that hurts the auricle outside

Correct therapy of the described symptom is developed exclusively by a specialist. Immediately after the onset of pain, it is important to consult an otolaryngologist.

As a rule, the doctor prescribes complex treatment:

Closer to complete recovery is performed physiotherapy - UHF currents, warming up with the lamp Sollux, microwave.