Antibiotic ceftriaxone

Antibiotic ceftriaxone is prescribed for the elimination of infectious diseases: meningitis, blood infection, for the treatment of various microbial diseases of the abdominal cavity and dermatological microbial diseases. Ceftriaxone is prescribed for pneumonia and angina, also used to treat sinusitis. This drug is effective in diseases of the kidney and urogenital system.

Ceftriaxone has a bactericidal action and is used against almost all pathogenic microorganisms. However, most often it is used to combat various types of streptococci and staphylococci.

Antibiotic ceftriaxone - instructions for use

Ceftriaxone is used only in the form of injections - intravenously or intramuscularly and, it is desirable, that the treatment with this drug is carried out in a hospital. If there is a need for using this drug, then you need to know how to properly dilute ceftriaxone.

The form of the drug is powder in vials of various volumes. In addition to the drug itself, you will need as a solvent - sterile water for injection or novocaine. To prepare the drug, with intramuscular injection, it is necessary to dilute 0.5 g of the drug in 2 ml of solvent, or 1 g of the drug in 3.5 ml of the solvent. With intravenous administration of the drug, dissolve only with sterile water for injection in a double volume - 0.5 g of the drug in 5 ml and 1 g in 10 ml of the solvent.

When intramuscular injection is recommended to use an anesthetic drug, because, the procedure is quite unpleasant. In no case, you should not take Ceftriaxone with heart products, at the same time, you can safely apply it in treatment together with drugs that have diuretic effects. In addition, ceftriaxone is a fairly serious antibiotic and is therefore not compatible with other antibiotics.

The drug is contraindicated for use in people with increased sensitivity to any of the components of the antibiotic, as well as with hepatic renal failure. Do not use this drug in the first trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding - it can adversely affect the development of the child.

Ceftriaxone - side effects

Ceftriaxone is well tolerated and can cause minimal side effects. But in rare cases, disorders of the digestive system are possible - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, colitis. Also, the risk of manifestations of allergic reactions is likely - rash on the skin, edema of various parts of the body, dermatitis. Reception of antibiotic ceftriaxone may be accompanied by an increased body temperature and the appearance of fever. In the area of ​​the injection, pain or phlebitis may occur - if the injection was administered intravenously. It should be remembered that treatment with ceftriaxone can cause the deposition of sand in the kidneys and bladder. This should not frighten you. The sand will go away after the course of treatment. Also, with the long-term use of the antibiotic in increased doses, changes in the blood picture are possible.

Analogues of ceftriaxone

The main thing to remember, the drugs of the antibiotics group are not meant for self-treatment. Be healthy! But if you suddenly get sick - do not treat yourself, give this work to professionals!