Lymphadenopathy - treatment

Treatment of lymphadenopathy is complex and completely depends on the underlying cause, which caused a similar clinical picture. The therapy program is based on detailed diagnosis, as well as previous history.

Treatment of lymphadenopathy with antibiotics

In the case of an inflammatory process caused by infection with bacteria, a course of antibiotic drugs is prescribed. Selection of medications depends on the type of pathogen, which is determined by laboratory tests. Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus erythematosus are treated with agents that inhibit the activity of the pathogen. In the case of HIV infection, therapy is aimed at reducing symptoms.

Often, treatment of lymphadenopathy caused by a benign or malignant neoplasm is performed surgically, after which antibiotics are also prescribed. This reduces the risk of additional infection.

Treatment of lymphadenopathy with folk remedies

With lymphadenopathy, not caused by serious pathologies, you can use common folk recipes. So, to reduce the pain in the area of ​​enlarged lymph nodes is recommended, using compresses and broths:

  1. Mix 100 ml of warm water and 50 ml of Echinacea tincture . The compress is held overnight.
  2. 500 g of young pine shoots are boiled in 4 liters of water over low heat for 2 hours. In the filtered infusion add a tablespoon of sugar. The infusion is boiled again for 2-3 hours. Ready-made broth drink 1,5 months on a tablespoon twice a day.
  3. Folk treatment of lymphadenopathy is often carried out by compresses with chaff to the consistency of mush. A tablespoon of its juice can be mixed with half a glass of alcohol and infuse liquid for several days. Ready tincture is used for grinding and compresses.

If folk treatment is ineffective, it is better to go to the hospital.