How to take Riboxin?

The drug Riboxin is used in the treatment of various diseases, as well as as a non-steroidal anabolic in bodybuilding during enhanced training. The composition helps to strengthen immunity , increases endurance, helps tissues to breathe, speeds up the course of metabolism in the body. It helps to ensure that the heart during the contractions has time to relax, relax, while improving the coronary circulation with a small supply of oxygen in the tissue and the muscles of the myocardium.

How correctly and how long does Riboxin take in tablets?

Riboxin in the form of tablets, usually take a course of 4 to 6-12 weeks. Begin to take small doses of 0.6-0.8 grams per day, stretching the reception for 3-4 times 0.2 g per day. If there is no allergic manifestations of the rash on the skin, that is, the medicine is well tolerated, the dose is gradually increased to 1.2-2.4 g per day. Do this for 2-3 days.

Riboxin in a tablet form is taken orally for 25-35 minutes before eating, after washing down with plain water.

With urocopporphyria, Riboxin is taken at 0.8 g per day, dividing into 4 divided doses of 0.2 g per day. So it should continue every day from a month to three.

Admission Riboxin athletes

For those who take Riboxin in bodybuilding, the daily dose is also broken down into several receptions. Take the tablets for a half to two hours before a strong workout. The course of Riboxin should be from one month to three, then take a break one to two months.

Riboxin application intravenously

Riboxin is also administered intravenously. To do this, in the first day, 10 mg of a 2% solution is injected slowly, 40-60 per minute for a minute, either in a stream or drip. For the dropwise administration of Riboxin, the drug is diluted in 250 g of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution. Observe if there are allergic manifestations, and then increase the dosage from 200 to 400 ml in 1-2 divided doses per day. The course of therapy lasts from 10 days to a crescent.