Andrologue - who is it, to whom and when should you go to a specialist?

Andrologist - who it is and what it heals - these issues are relevant for men and couples who are facing problems with violations of sexual and reproductive functions. It is also very important to know the differences between the andrologist and the doctors of related specialties.

What is andrology?

To find out the answer to the question what is andrological disease, you need to get acquainted with such a section of medicine as andrology. Modern andrology is a medical direction that studies the health and diseases of the reproductive organs of men, located on the border with urology, sexology, endocrinology, surgery and dermatology. The directions of andrology:

Andrologue - who is this and what heals?

An andrologist is a doctor who treats diseases of male reproductive organs, these diseases are often associated with hormonal failures, erectile dysfunction, infertility. What treats andrologists in men:

To more accurately understand who is an andrologist and what he is treating, it is worth mentioning the organs in which this doctor specializes, and this:


Urology is a field of medicine adjacent to andrology. The urologist treats diseases of the genitourinary system in representatives of both sexes, andrologist - specializes only in men, additionally solving the problems of potency. On admission to the urologist andrologist, men 45 years and older are recommended twice a year. The urologist-andrologist - who it and that treats:


The andrologist-endocrinologist specializes in diseases of the male reproductive system caused by malfunctions of the hormonal balance. Endocrinologist-andrologist - who it is and what heals:


Seeking an answer to the question - the andrologist doctor - who it is - not all patients can know that there is such a narrow specialization as an andrologist surgeon who solves a number of specific male problems:

When to contact andrologu?

Many men may have a question - when to go to andrologu, be sure to refer to this specialist should be at:

How is the andrologist's reception?

The initial reception of the andrologist begins with the collection of anamnesis, examination and collection of analyzes. To visit the doctor was the most effective, you need:

  1. Do not allow ejaculation within 2 days before admission to the andrologist, so that you can pass on seminal fluid for analysis.
  2. Refuse alcohol for at least 2-3 days.
  3. Take care of cleansing the intestines.
  4. Carry out hygienic procedures (if disturbing discharge, soiled clothes can be taken to reception).

An andrologist examination

A primary examination of the andrologist includes an external study:

What tests does the andrologist appoint?

A specific list of tests and necessary examinations for each patient andrologist determines individually, depending on the problems that bother the man. To clarify the diagnosis andrologist can appoint:

For those who are interested in what tests the andrologist prescribes for infertility, the most likely answer is the spermogram . Taking ejaculate is often done at the primary admission (for this reason, and two days of abstinence is required before going to the doctor). Spermogram helps determine the ability of sperm to fertilize the egg, identify diseases of a urological nature, hormonal problems and the presence of an infectious infection.

Andrologist consultation

After clarifying the picture of the state of health, the male andrologist appoints a consultation, on which he explains his appointments. Often at the initial stage of the disease, the patient only needs to follow a diet and give up bad habits. Even with short-term observance of the principles of a healthy lifestyle, which include quality nutrition, adequate rest, motor activity and refusal of alcohol and smoking, the spermiogram index significantly improves, and the man feels an improvement in potency.

The urologist-andrologist helps to choose male contraception if necessary. When identifying urethritis, balanoposthitis or other diseases of a bacterial nature, a specialist prescribes antibiotics, and if a fungus is found, antifungal drugs are prescribed. Such a complex disease as prostatitis requires complex treatment - in addition to antibacterial therapy, the andrologist prescribes immunotherapy, physiotherapy, and massage.

Diseases that occur on the background of hormonal imbalance, require the appointment of hormonal drugs. Erectile dysfunction is treated with potency regulators. Infertility can be prescribed and hormone therapy, and stimulants - the method of treatment depends on the causes of the disease. Surgical intervention is indicated for phimosis, cryptorchidism, varicocele, hypospadias, adenoma, pathology of external genital organs (congenital or acquired). But the andrologist's advice can also be decided by the need for surgery to correct aesthetic flaws, sex change.

Tips andrologist doctor

After a thorough study of the topic - andrologue - who it is and what it treats - men can come in handy andrologist advice.

Useful recommendations

  1. Being a representative of the stronger sex does not mean having to endure the pain and inconvenience. If you have problems in the genital area, you need to make an appointment with the andrologist.
  2. To prolong sexual activity and avoid health problems helps to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Depends on men's health and on how clean the person is - compliance with basic rules of hygiene should be mandatory from childhood.
  4. Since the main cause of many diseases, including prostatitis, is an infection, the source of which is in other organs, all infectious diseases must be treated timely and completely.
  5. After 40-45 years, a man should visit an andrologist twice a year to identify possible problems in time. Early diagnosis contributes to a faster cure and minimization of possible complications.