Furuncle in ear

The furuncle in the ear is a rather rare problem, but nevertheless it can bring a lot of discomfort and jeopardize your health. It is important to know what to do to cure such trouble. At the same time, simple recommendations should be followed to help you avoid complications.

The causes of furuncles in the ears

The appearance of a furuncle inside the ear can have a number of different causes. The main ones are:

If it is wrong to clean the ear, you can scratch the surface of the skin or injure it. After that, as soon as the bacterium staphylococcus falls into the cut, the inflammatory process and the formation of the furuncle begins.

How does the furuncle manifest in the ear?

The formation of the furuncle in the ear has a number of symptoms, the appearance of which should help you diagnose immediately even yourself:

At the beginning of the development of this sore appears reddening, which eventually becomes denser and acquires a purple-cyanotic color. Within three days, a purulent-necrotic stem with a characteristic vesicle on its surface can form. At the end of maturation, the vesicle bursts, and the rod, along with purulent masses, is rejected.

It is very important during this period to adhere to the basic rule: to sleep follows exclusively on the inflamed side. This is due to the fact that during a dream, there can be a release of pus from the boil and these masses can go inside the ear, than cause more serious inflammation.

Once one of the characteristic symptoms is detected, you should immediately begin treatment. You may need to see a doctor who will help you get rid of a sore quickly.

How to treat a boil in the ear?

So, let's look at what to do when a furuncle appears in the ear. If you do not have the opportunity to immediately consult a specialist, then start treatment should be at home.

At the initial stage of education, you can apply:

In the advanced stage, doctors recommend using a furuncle in the ear to use antibiotics, for example, tetracycline or Erythromycin. Although most often this course is prescribed for people who have several furuncles at the same time. Usually a single inflammation, provided that the treatment is timely, resolves fairly quickly and is removed independently. Often, treating doctors use ear or eye drops that have antibacterial action and help relieve inflammation, for example, the drug Floxal containing ofloxacin.

If the furuncle is quite large and ripens very long, then it should be surgically removed. Thus under local anesthesia a small incision is made and the rod is removed. Upon completion of the operation, a lavage antibacterial solution. After the procedure, prescriptions of medicines, as well as immunomodulators, are possible.

Prevention of the appearance of the furuncle in the ear

In order to avoid the occurrence of such a problem, one should remember and adhere to several rules:

  1. If your ears are very sensitive, then they should be kept dry. Try not to get shampoo and soap into the ear shells, as well as water.
  2. Clean your ears very carefully, but regularly. If you use special cotton buds, remember that they are designed to clean the ear shells, but not the canals.