Erosive gastritis - how to recognize and eliminate unpleasant symptoms?

Erosive gastritis is a disease of the gastric mucosa, which is still commonly called bulbitis. Ranks can be single or multiple. At the initial stages, as a rule, erosion is quite small and is located exclusively on the outside of the stomach. If the disease is not treated, the number of defects increases, and they deliver significantly more discomfort.

Erosive gastritis - types

Depending on the shape of the disease, erosive gastritis symptoms and treatment may differ. Different types of ailment are determined by origin, quantity, location of erosion. There are such types of gastritis:

  1. Acute. The disease begins suddenly, but all the symptoms immediately manifest themselves sharply.
  2. Erosive chronic gastritis. It develops slowly, often asymptomatic, because many patients find out about it only when gastric bleeding opens.
  3. Idiopathic. It is placed in those cases when the causes of the appearance of wounds on the mucosa can not be determined.
  4. Erosive antral gastritis. It occurs as a result of Helicobacter infection. These bacteria live, as a rule, in the lower part of the stomach, in a favorable alkaline environment. The antral type of the disease is considered the most common.
  5. Erosive gastritis reflux. It develops when the contents of the intestine are thrown into the stomach. Bile acids with enzymes aggressively affect the walls of the organ, resulting in extensive erosion.

Erosive gastritis - causes

The disease develops when there is an imbalance between internal stimuli and protective factors. To the damage of the gastric mucosa are the following reasons:

Secondary erosive gastritis of the stomach develops against the background of:

Erosive gastritis - symptoms

Very often, a person does not perceive signs of illness as the onset of inflammation. Because when the disease erosive gastritis of the stomach symptoms begins to manifest, many write off them for all sorts of factors, except for a serious inflammatory process. And to remove discomfort, take painkillers, which only aggravate the situation.

Recognize the same erosive gastritis can be on such grounds:

Acute erosive gastritis

This is one of the most "bright" representatives of the disease, which can not be ignored. There is an acute erosive gastritis with hemorrhagic component such symptoms:

Chronic erosive gastritis

The disease, which has passed into a chronic form, is characterized by the appearance of a large number of erosions on the gastric mucosa. Symptoms of erosive gastritis are implicit. Occasionally, patients complain of abdominal discomfort, heaviness in the stomach, mild nausea, worsening of appetite, heartburn, belching. In some cases, patients suffer from unstable stools.

Erosive gastritis - diagnosis

To establish the correct diagnosis, you should collect and compare all the factors and complaints. Precise diagnosis of the problem of erosive hemorrhagic gastritis is carried out using a probe. Necessarily experts find out, whether there were earlier attacks of a bleeding in a digestive path, whether disturbed vomiting or a dysphagia. Doctors should also pay attention to whether there are pathologies that could lead to the disease.

In order to diagnose erosive gastritis, a general blood test is performed, a stool test for the presence of hidden blood. Complications of inflammation are determined with the help of blood biochemistry. In cases where there is no possibility to carry out endoscopy, the radiography of the stomach is done. Procedures confirm the diagnosis, if it shows a slight puffiness, nodularity of the mucosa, an increase in gastric fields.

Erosive gastritis - treatment

It is advisable to start it as early as possible. Before treating an erosive gastritis, you need to understand the basic principles of therapy

  1. It is necessary to eliminate the excess secretion of gastric juice. This can be done with the help of drugs that have an antisecretory mechanism of action.
  2. Complicated cases are best treated in a hospital or sanatorium.
  3. It is important to restore normal motor activity of the stomach with the duodenum (often with an erosive gastritis it is disturbed).
  4. In order to facilitate the digestive processes, enzymes are prescribed.
  5. Antacids are necessary for neutralization of aggressive hydrochloric acids.
  6. How to treat an erosive stomach gastritis caused by Helicobacter? With the help of special antibacterial agents.
  7. Hemostatic drugs, as a rule, are prescribed in the erosive hemorrhagic form of the disease and are administered intravenously or intramuscularly.
  8. An extremely important diet with erosive gastritis of the stomach.

Treatment of erosive gastritis with drugs - scheme

Therapy involves helping the stomach in digesting food. A good drug is Sucralfate. It not only accelerates the process of processing food, but also speeds up the blood supply in the mucosa, thus ensuring its recovery. It is accepted according to this scheme: 1 tablet twice a day before meals or ½ tablets four times a day, about 40 minutes before a meal.

Often, with the problem of erosive gastritis, a medication like Digestal or Mezim is used. To achieve a speedy recovery and recovery, many experts recommend that in parallel with medical therapy to carry out physiotherapy procedures. Mineral water is very useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: Narzan, Borjomi, Essentuki.

Erosive gastritis - treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine also has something to say about the fight against the disease. And some alternative recipes help to eliminate all unpleasant symptoms very quickly. But it is important to understand that it is not recommended to use only folk remedies. Therapy will be much more effective if you apply them in parallel with a doctor-appointed treatment and observe proper nutrition with erosive gastritis of the stomach.

Sea-buckthorn oil with erosive gastritis


Preparation and use:

  1. Mix the ingredients in one bowl and leave to infuse.
  2. After three days, the medicine can be taken.
  3. Take buckthorn should be a teaspoon on an empty stomach in the morning.
  4. Continue treatment should be at least two weeks.

Treatment of aloe gastritis with honey


Preparation and use:

  1. Leaves for at least one day should be put in the freezer.
  2. After the aloe must be passed through a meat grinder.
  3. With the help of gauze, the juice is squeezed out of the plant and mixed with honey.
  4. Take a medicine you need a teaspoon in the morning for at least 3 weeks.

Erosive gastritis - treatment and diet

Food should be taken at least 4-6 times a day, but portions should be small. The diet with erosive gastritis excludes:

And here, what products can be consumed with an erosive gastritis of the stomach: